Greetings Monks.

I've been pondering this idea for quite some time. But only now had the time to actually pursue such an endevor. I performed a Super Search here at perlmonks. But the bulk of the results were (strangely) Perl to PHP related -- eeewww.

I also pergormed a search on CPAN. But also no joy. So. Has anyone attempted to create a simple converter to translate PHP scripting to Perl equivalent language? Would something like this be a very involved task? To me. It seems as though it wouldn't be terribly difficult. But given I can find no projects,modules, or other related to this. Maybe I'm wrong.

I'd really appreciate your thoughts, and any other information you feel worthwhile.

Thank you for all your consideration


P.S. I hope I chose the correct location for this.
It did occur to me that Meditations would also be a possibility. But wasn't sure.

#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
use Perl::Always or die;
my $perl_version = (5.12.5);
print $perl_version;