phydeauxarff's user image
User since: Dec 19, 2001 at 19:28 UTC (22 years ago)
Last here: Aug 11, 2023 at 19:46 UTC (36 weeks ago)
Experience: 4037
Level:Priest (14)
Writeups: 201
Location:Murphy, Texas
User's localtime: Apr 18, 2024 at 22:17 EDT
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The image above isn't me, it's Ripley...who lived to the ripe age of 14. She was my never-ending source of amusement, worrier of cats, and devourer of all things potentially edible.

When she was 4 she actually managed to consume more than a pound of rat poison and survived to chase things another day.
The good folks at the vet called her "that dog!"

From my nic you might have ascertained that I am a 'dog person'...for more exacting detail on my namespace, checkout Re: Name Space

Think you talk too much?...check out cbstats

Monks I have consumed beer (or some sort of beverage) with
Mr. Muskrat

As Seen In the Chatterbox

LostS Thats it... PHP can bite me... the freaking users need to use Perl

Intrepid is going to leave now, to finish this exasperating, intense email reconfiguration ... hours from now I'll either be done, or dead.
phydeauxarff begins writing Intrepid's obituary just in case
ybiC Just then God showed up and said, 'Silly Intrepid. Tonight you die. And your serverfull of email - who gets it?' "That's what happens when you fill your server with Self and not with God."

thezip: Some incompetant people are threatened by sharp people
Trizor: I've come to learn that
tye points a sharp person at thezip's chest, menacingly
thezip is not threatened (but suddenly realizes that he cannot win this syllogistic argument)