in reply to Dictionary-style sort a la Tcl?

Here is a quick late-night attempt.... It assumes the words only consist of [A-Za-z] and relatively small integers. Not perfect, but it does work on your sample dataset. Oh, it also sorts 'aa' before 'a1' which is probably not correct, but you didn't mention it in the requirements.
#!/usr/bin/perl -wT use strict; { # Create an interleaved 'AaBbCc' mapping my %map; $map{$_} = 2*(ord($_)-ord('A')) for 'A'..'Z'; $map{$_} = 2*(ord($_)-ord('a'))+1 for 'a'..'z'; # use interleaved map to munge word into a string that will sort "co +rrectly" sub dictize { my $word = shift; $word =~ s/(\d+|[A-Za-z])/chr($map{$1}||60+$1)/ge; return $word; } } my @words = qw(bigBoy bigbang bigboy x10y x9y x11y); # Sort based on lowercased munged words, # use the non-lowercased version as a tiebreaker my @sorted = map {$_->[0]} sort {$a->[1] cmp $b->[1] or $a->[2] cmp $b->[2]} map {[$_,dictize(lc),dictize($_)]} @words; print "$_\n" for @sorted; __END__ bigbang bigBoy bigboy x9y x10y x11y
