in reply to mssqlserver dsn

Not exactly the answer to your question, but here is some concept code I left in my temp directory which might help.
#/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use DBI; my $DSN = 'dbi:ODBC:driver={SQL Server};server={myserver};database={my +db}'; my $dbh = DBI->connect($DSN, undef, undef) or die "$DBI::errstr\n"; my $gSQLCmd = 'SELECT col1, col2, col3 FROM mytable'; my $gSQLHandle = $dbh->prepare ( $gSQLCmd ) || die 'Error with SQL statement ['.$DBI::errstr.' - '.$DBI::err.' +]'; $gSQLHandle->execute() || die 'Error with SQL statement ['.$DBI::errst +r.' - '.$DBI::err.']'; while (my @gFields = $gSQLHandle->fetchrow_array) { print 'Row: ',$gFields[0],"\t",$gFields[1],"\t",$gFields[2],"\n"; } $dbh->disconnect;

The code will work a little better if you replace myserver, mydb, and mytable with ones from your actual system. *Smiles* Also, please note that this code connects to the database without a userid or password -- it is using my domain account for authorization.

Update I forgot to give credit where credit is due -- my code is based on the information from DBD::ODBC Connecting without DSN from Win32 by sparkyichi