not sure if this has been raised before...would other monks like to see the code written in questions and answers syntax highlighted for easier reading? e.g. gvim style. i pinched code from another post to show how it would look if colored by me with Vim.
#! perl -w

use strict;
use File::Copy;

my $infile = "C:/radtrans/doclisth.chr";

my ( $yr, $mo, $dy ) = (localtime)<font color="#00ffff">5</font>,<font color="#00ffff">4</font>,<font color="#00ffff">3</font>;
my $outfile = sprintf( "C:/radtrans/%04d%02d%02d.txt",$yr+1900,$mo+1,$
+dy );

my $staticdir = "C:\\radtrans\\";

open IN, "<$infile" or die "Couldn't open $infile, $!";
open OUT,">$outfile" or die "Couldn't open $outfile, $!";

while (<IN>) {
    my @fields   = split /|/;

    my $newfile = $fields<font color="#00ffff">0</font>;
    my $path_str = $fields<font color="#00ffff">12</font>;

    do { warn "Empty field 13"; next } unless $path_str;
    my @path = split /\\/, $path_str;
    my $dir = join "\\", @path <font color="#00ffff">0</font>, <font color="#00ffff">1</font>, <font color="#00ffff">2</font>, <font color="#00ffff">3</font>, <font color="#00ffff">4</font>, <font color="#00ffff">5</font>, <font color="#00ffff">6</font> ;

    $newfile =~ s/$/.rtf/;

    my $out = join ('|', @fields<font color="#00ffff">0.</font>.<font color="#00ffff">9</font>) . "@" . $staticdir . $newfile;

    print OUT "$out\n";


close IN;

sub process_dir {

    my ($dir, $newfile) = @_;

    do { warn "$dir does not exist!\n"; return } unless -e $dir;
    opendir DIR, $dir or do { warn "Could not open $dir $!\n" ; return
    while ( my $file = readdir DIR ) {

        print "dir: $dir file:$file newfile:$newfile\n";
        #before the next unless statements.

        next unless -f "$dir\\$file";

        next unless $file =~ m/\.rtf$/i;

        copy( "$dir\\$file", "C:\\temp\\$newfile" )
          or die "Failed to copy $file: $!\n";

Edit by tye, add READMORE tag