in reply to Relative Module Path

After running into this problem several times, I've standardized how I place script and module files in each project. Basically in my project directory, I have a sub-directory for scripts (e.g., cgi-bin) and a sub-directory for my modules (my_lib). Then I can include the following code in any script and it always finds my modules.

#--------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- # Portably Include My Perl Modules #--------------------------------------------------------------------- +-- use Cwd; use File::Spec; my $dir; BEGIN { # Prepare lib path $dir = Cwd->getcwd; # Get directory path of script or get web doc +root my @dirs = File::Spec->splitdir( $dir ); # Split path into array pop @dirs; # Take off last directory (e.g., public_html, cgi-bin,. +..) # Put'em togeth & add modules dir $dir = File::Spec->catdir( @dirs, "my_lib"); unshift(@INC, $dir) if (-d $dir); # Incl. my lib if it exists }

Hope that helps,
