Anonymous Monk has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I have been using the Text::CSV module to read csv files and now come to the part where I need to generate a revised csv file, and am confused how to do that.

while ( my $row = $csv->getline( $fh ) ) { $patron_count++; push @rows, $row;

I am fine if I want to keep the whole row:

$csv->print ($fh, $_) for @rows;

but I am confused when I need to modify the '@rows', ie remove some of the columns(fields) or add some new fields on to it.

I am sorry for the basic question, but I am doing some volunteer work for a theatre trying to move from one system to another, and after being away from coding for 8 years, I have forgotten it all!

I think I understand that '@rows' just isn't an array, as I have been accessing the columns by the syntax of $row->2, but now I don't know how to create the structure that the csv writer needs. It wants an array ref and I am lost!

The three things I need to do are:

1. Only use (out of 20 cols, columns 1-10,12,15).

2. Modify the value of col 1 by prefixing the character 'r'

3. Add a new column to each row as i parse it, with a string value for its content.

If I could get help so i can proceed, I would be very thankful. I have read and reread the perl docs on the module but am still lost.