in reply to get full hit descrption from blast output (xml)

I want to help, but based on what you've posted, it's hard. First, you didn't post a complete XML file -- I have to wonder if there's anything else missing besides a bunch of close tags at the end of your sample data.

Then, your command line doesn't really give us enough info. What would be reasonable values for the "-n number_of_hits_to_keep" and "-b bit_score_cutoff" in order to get relevant results? Also, your command line uses a "-d" where I think the script is expecting a "-t".

And I'm sorry to seem picky, but you should be able to find an easy way to get your indention right (emacs? vi? some decent IDE or other programmer-savvy editor? perltidy?). Trust me, it really helps.

Anyway, I did manage to get the output you reported, but I'm a stranger to Bio::SearchIO, and I really can't tell what line or portion of the code actually has something to do with the "Hit_def" parameter in the xml file.

Just using a straightforward XPath extraction for "//Hit_def" on your (fixed) xml file does indeed return the full string you want - "43989.cce_0262 (Cyanothece ATCC 51142)".

In order to figure it out, I had to add this at the top:

use Data::Dumper 'Dumper';
Then step through it with the debugger until I got inside this block:
while (my $hit = $result->next_hit) {
Then my next debugger command was:
p Data::Dumper::Dumper($hit)
Looking through the resulting output, I found the missing string -- see if you can find it too... Once you do, you should be able to figure out how to print it to your output file as desired:
$VAR1 = bless( { '_hsps' => [ { '-query_start' => 253, '-algorithm' => 'BLASTX', '-gaps' => '0', '-hit_seq' => 'ITGAVCLMDYLEKVLEKLRELAQ +KLIETLLGPQ', '-hit_length' => '65', '-query_length' => '508', '-query_desc' => 'HKUN3Y301D9XQX', '-query_frame' => -1, '-rank' => 1, '-hit_desc' => '43989.cce_0262 (Cyanot +hece ATCC 51142)', '-query_end' => 155, '-hit_name' => 'gnl|BL_ORD_ID|1515029' +, '-identical' => '17', '-query_name' => 'Query_1', '-evalue' => '0.00664016', '-score' => '92', '-conserved' => '27', '-hit_frame' => 0, '-hsp_length' => '33', '-query_seq' => 'LRGAICSMEHIEEALGKLKDW +ARKLIELLLGPR', '-hit_start' => '12', '-homology_seq' => '+ GA+C M+++E+ L KL +++ A+KLIE LLGP+', '-hit_end' => '44', '-bits' => '40.0466' } ], '_iterator' => 0, '_description' => '(Cyanothece ATCC 51142)', '_significance' => '0.00664016', '_query_length' => '508', '_accession' => '1515029', '_length' => '65', '_psiblast_iteration' => '1', '_name' => '43989.cce_0262', '_rank' => 1, '_algorithm' => 'BLASTX', '_root_verbose' => 0, '_hashes' => { '0' => 1 }, '_hsp_factory' => bless( { 'interface' => 'Bio::Searc +h::HSP::HSPI', 'type' => 'Bio::Search::HS +P::GenericHSP', '_loaded_types' => { 'Bio: +:Search::HSP::GenericHSP' => 1 }, '_root_verbose' => 0 }, 'Bio::Factory::ObjectFact +ory' ) }, 'Bio::Search::Hit::GenericHit' );