in reply to TWAIN Issues and Perl

Have you looked into any of Jamie Zawinski's stuff that may accomplish something similar (albeit without any Win32::* modules)?

Otherwise, Mr. Muskrat's suggestion may be the way to go...

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Re: TWAIN Issues and Perl
by da (Friar) on Sep 13, 2002 at 18:31 UTC
    Darn it t'mo, I didn't realize you had two links, not one; I just spent much more time than I should've browsing JWZ's website from the root page. (*grin*)

    This link might be what the original poster would be looking for; except it's for a linux server, not Windows.

    Still, fun stuff to browse.

    ___ -DA $_=' 519-575-3733 /Prescient Code Solutions/ coder.c +om ';s/-/ /g;s/([.@])/ $1/g;@y=(42*1476312054+7*3,14120504e4,-42*330261-3 +3, 42*5436+3,42*2886+10,42*434987+5);s/(.)/ord(uc($1))/ge;for(@x=split/32 +/; @y; map{print chr} split /(..)/, shift(@x) + shift(@y)) {perlmonk.da.r +u}