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Re: elsif statement not being evaluated

by 2teez (Vicar)
on Nov 18, 2012 at 06:27 UTC ( [id://1004379]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to elsif statement not being evaluated

Hi jonagondos,
check this in your code:

if ( $choice = $an2 ) { ... } elsif ( $choice = $an1 ) { ... }
I suppose you want to use
if ( $choice == $an2 ) { ... } elsif ( $choice == $an1 ) { ... }
You are assigning to variable $choice, the value of the variable $ans2 using the assignment operator '=' .
So, whatsoever, value inputted was replaced by the value of variable $ans2.
In which case variable $choice value is ALWAYS evaluate to 2 the pre-defined value of variable $ans2, so your elsif(){...} statement is not being evaluated.

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Re^2: elsif statement not being evaluated
by jonagondos (Novice) on Nov 18, 2012 at 06:29 UTC
    oh gosh i feel stupid... i was using the assignment operator

      Happens to everyone using C or languages inheriting or stealing from C. But you can make the compiler / interpreter complain loudly if you make sure the constant is on the left side of the operator:

      if ($answer=42) { # $answer is now always 42 ... } if (42=$answer) { # "Can't modify constant item in scalar assignment" ... }

      This won't help when you compare two variables, but in your case, the variables $an1 and $an2 aren't variable, but constant. So make them constant, either by using Readonly or by using constant:

      use Readonly; Readonly my $fortytwo => 42; # note: =>, not = ... if ($fortytwo=$answer) { # "Modification of a read-only value attempte +d" ... }
      use constant FORTYTWO => 42; # note: =>, not = ... if (FORTYTWO=$answer) { # "Can't modify constant item in scalar assign +ment" ... }

      Or, in this trivial case, get rid of $an1 and $an2 and use 1 and 2.

      I prefer Readonly over constant, because Readonly just makes the variables readonly, with no surprises, whereas constant (ab)uses the perl optimizer and implements the constants as functions returning a constant value. This has some nasty side effects documented in Readonly.


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