#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Text::CSV; use XML::TreeBuilder; use Data::Dumper; my $xmlbase='original.xml'; my $paramsfile = 'params.csv'; my $mycontainerless; # the list of tags filled from the csv file my @taglist=qw(name protocol host commandline); # this is the part that repeats, so we break it out separately # the tags that get filled from the CSV file are left empty my $connection= < 22 Default Settings 1000 750 750 750 False False 10 END ; open (my $resultfile, '>>', 'resultxml.xml') or die "Can't open file: $!"; #this is the wrapper my $config= < END ; #start an xml structure with the outer wrapper my $tree=XML::TreeBuilder->new(); $tree->parse($config); # find the insert location my $container=$tree->look_down("_tag"=>"container", "name"=>"1-AD/M"); my $csv=Text::CSV->new(); open my $fh, "<:encoding(utf8)", $paramsfile or die "$paramsfile: $!"; # loop through the lines of the CSV and copy the connection structure into # the wrapper with the updated values while(my $row=$csv->getline($fh)){ my $contree=XML::TreeBuilder->new(); #make an xml structure of the connection $contree->parse($connection); $container->push_content($contree); #insert it into the wrapper $contree->attr('name',$row->[0]); #set the name attribute $container->push_content("\n "); #make it a little prettier my $index=0; for my $tagname(@taglist){ #loop through the columns my $tag=$contree->look_down('_tag'=> $tagname); $tag->push_content($row->[$index++]); } } #print ''."\n"; print $tree->as_XML(); $mycontainerless=$tree->as_XML(); $mycontainerless=~%%%gi; print $mycontainerless; print $resultfile ''."\n"; print $resultfile $tree->as_XML(); close($resultfile);