perladdict has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi Monks, Below is the code i am trying to list the filnames in a directory
#!/usr/bin/perl $dir = "C:\\Users\\user\\Desktop\\test"; opendir DIR, $dir or die "error: cannot open directory \"$dir\" $!"; @files = sort grep (!/^\.$|^\.\.$/, readdir(DIR)); closedir (DIR); print "@files\n";
Once after listing all the filenames, i need validate each of the filenames should note exceed 8 characters. If files names which is having 8 characters and less than 8 characters i need to remove last charecter from each of the file names and prefix it with character "A"
All the filenames having .doc extention,below are the sample files names in a folder.
PBILLSTA.doc PBGISCTX.doc BGISCTXL.doc P537_LC.doc AODG.doc MAD004PN.doc
Please advice me, which perl fucntion i need to use in order to remove last charecters from the filename if it is having 8 characters and prefix the filename with character "A"
For the filenames which is having less than 8 charecters i just need to prefix "A" to each without removing last character.