gavrilo has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I am very new to Perl and have not done a great deal of programming either but am keen to learn. My problem is as follows:

I am trying to write a Perl script to tell which Tapes from a backup set need to be changed, and for which tapes they should be changed. For this to work I need to be able to identify the day of the week from the current date.

I found the follwoing bit of code:

my $time = str2time('2002-02-21'); my $day_of_wk = time2str("%w", $time); print "day of week is $day_of_wk\n"; $day_of_wk = time2str("%A", $time); print "day of week is $day_of_wk\n";

This works fine but how do I make my $time = str2time(localtime)?

I can get localtime into a string but str2time appears to need the actual text date. Can someone can put me right?
