sanguine_perl has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi, I am stuck by the problem of using XML::Smart module, it can't work. Recently, I want to use XML::Smart to parse the XML response, but i can't get any results,so i test the return as follows:
#!/usr/bin/perl use XML::Smart; use Data::Dumper; use warnings; use strict; #open FILE1, 'run.xml' or die $!; my $XML_1 = XML::Smart->new('run.xml'); my $ref = $XML_1->{product}; print $ref;
I expect to see the reference of response, but after running it
C:\Users\rchen4\Desktop\Perl_XML>perl C:\Users\rchen4\Desktop\Perl_XML>
no result. XML::Smart and Object::MultiType are all installed. Could someone be helpful?