This script came about by accident, when my Windows laptop somehow got its PATH temporarily messed up and couldn't resolve the "ipconfig" command. I'm used to typing "ifconfig" in Linux so I wrote this "" script for Windows; it's essentially a wrapper which reformats ipconfig's output in an easier-to-read format, and by default discards interfaces which are down or apply to VMs (VMware virtual machines).

It also gives useful information that the simple form of ipconfig lacks (eg. the adapter's MAC address -- to get it you have to use "ipconfig/all" which spews out even more information to wade through). Plus, you can easily spot from the "Connected" line in the header the indices of connected interfaces (when -a or -v is supplied).

Here's an output comparison, where less lines is arguably better when you're trying to get device information quickly:

ipconfig ......... 57 lines ipconfig/all ..... 121 lines (!) ...... 19 lines

Now that I'm using the script all the time I've added a feature to disable/reenable the network device by adding the argument ~N, where N is the index of the device displayed. This saves the hassle of having to open several dialog boxes to get to the network adapter settings, just to be able to cycle an interface that's down for some reason.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Displays currently connected network interfaces. # Lets you DISABLE/REENABLE an interface (eg. if it's not responding) # # 2014-02-26 golux -- created. ## ############### ## Libraries ## ############### use strict; use warnings; use File::Basename; use Data::Dumper; use Getopt::Long; ################## ## User-defined ## ################## my $ipconfig = 'C:\Windows\System32\ipconfig.exe'; my $netsh = 'C:\Windows\System32\netsh.exe'; my $maxwidth = 12; my $re_addr = qr/^(\d+)[.](\d+)[.](\d+)[.](\d+)(?:)?$/; my $re_vm = qr/VMware Network Adapter/i; my $re_dots = qr/[\s.]*:\s*/; my $re_if = qr/^\s*([\sa-z0-9]+):\s*$/i; my $re_ip_addr = qr/IP Address:\s*(\d+[.]\d+[.]\d+[.]\d+)/i; # Order of tags presented my $a_items = [qw[ desc dhcp state mac addr addr6 mask gate dns ]]; # Label used for each tag my $h_label = { 'desc' => 'Desc', 'state' => 'State', 'dhcp' => 'DHCP', 'mac' => 'MAC', 'addr' => 'IP Addr', 'addr6' => 'IPv6 Addr', 'mask' => 'Mask', 'gate' => 'Gateway', 'dns' => 'DNS Suffix', }; # Regex used to capture the value for each tag my $h_regex = { 'desc' => qr/^\s*Description${re_dots}(.+)/i, 'state' => qr/^\s*Media State${re_dots}(.+)/i, 'dhcp' => qr/^\s*Dhcp Enabled${re_dots}(\S+)/i, 'mac' => qr/^\s*Physical Address${re_dots}(\S+)/i, 'addr' => qr/^\s*IP(?:v4)? Address${re_dots}(\S+)/i, 'addr6' => qr/^\s*IPv6 Address${re_dots}(\S+)/i, 'mask' => qr/^\s*Subnet Mask${re_dots}(\S+)/i, 'gate' => qr/^\s*Default Gateway${re_dots}(\S+)/i, 'dns' => qr/^\s*Connection-specific DNS Suffix${re_dots}(\S+)/i +, }; ############# ## Globals ## ############# my $b_all = 0; my $b_vms = 0; my $b_help = 0; ################## ## Command-line ## ################## Getopt::Long::Configure("bundling"); my $go = GetOptions( "a" => \$b_all, "v" => \$b_vms, "h" => \$b_help, ); ################## ## Main Program ## ################## $| = 1; my $iam = basename $0; $b_help and give_help(); my $a_args = [ @ARGV ]; my $a_info = get_config_info(); if (@$a_args > 0) { change_inteface_states($a_info, $a_args); $a_info = get_config_info(); } show_basic_info(); show_interface_info($a_info); ################# ## Subroutines ## ################# sub fatal { my ($msg) = @_; my $lnum = (caller)[2]; my $text = "($iam) FATAL[$lnum]: $msg"; die "$text\n"; } sub give_help { my $syntax = qq{ : Syntax: $iam [switches] [command ...] : : This program shows the currently connected network interfac +es. : : To cycle a network interface #N (disable, then enable it a +gain), : use the command '$iam ~N'. : : Switches : -a ... display all interfaces (even disconnected ones) : -v ... display virtual (ie. VMware) interfaces : -h ... display help message and exit }; $syntax =~ s/(^\s+:)|((?<=\n)\s+:)|(\s+$)//g; die "$syntax\n"; } sub get_config_info { chomp(my @lines = `$ipconfig /all`); my $a_info = [ ]; my $h_if = { }; HANDLE_LINE: foreach my $line (@lines) { $line =~ /^\s*$/ and next; if ($line =~ /$re_if/) { my $if = $1; (my $name = $if) =~ s/^Ethernet adapter\s*//i; $h_if = { 'if' => $if, 'name' => $name }; push @$a_info, $h_if; next; } foreach my $item (@$a_items) { if ($line =~ /$h_regex->{$item}/) { $h_if->{$item} = $1; next HANDLE_LINE; } } } return prune_results($a_info); } sub prune_results { my ($a_info) = @_; my $a_pruned = [ ]; for (my $i = 0; $i < @$a_info; $i++) { my $idx = $i + 1; my $h_if = $a_info->[$i]; my $addr = $h_if->{'addr'} || ""; my $name = $h_if->{'name'} || ""; my $b_is_vm = ($name =~ /$re_vm/)? 1: 0; my $b_conn = 0; $addr =~ s/\(Preferred\)//; if ($addr =~ /$re_addr/) { ($1 or $2 or $3 or $4) and $b_conn = 1; } $h_if->{'conn'} = $b_conn; if ($b_all or ($b_conn and ($b_vms or !$b_is_vm))) { push @$a_pruned, $h_if; } } return $a_pruned; } sub show_basic_info { my $a_conn = [ ]; for (my $i = 0; $i < @$a_info; $i++) { my $idx = $i + 1; my $h_if = $a_info->[$i]; my $b_conn = $h_if->{'conn'} || 0; $b_conn and push @$a_conn, $idx; } my $conn = (0 == @$a_conn)? "(none)": join(", ", @$a_conn); print "\n"; my $cname = $ENV{'COMPUTERNAME'} || ""; my $domain = $ENV{'ComputerDomain'} || ""; my $user = $ENV{'USERNAME'} || ""; print " ------------------------------------------------\n"; $cname and print " Computer .... $cname\n"; $domain and print " Domain ...... $domain\n"; $user and print " User ........ $user\n"; $conn and print " Connected ... $conn\n"; print " ------------------------------------------------\n"; print " Type '$iam -h' for help\n"; print "\n"; } sub show_interface_info { my ($a_info) = @_; my $space = " "; for (my $i = 0; $i < @$a_info; $i++) { my $h_if = $a_info->[$i]; my $idx = $i + 1; my $if = $h_if->{'if'}; printf " #%d [$if]\n", $idx; foreach my $item (@$a_items) { if (my $val = $h_if->{$item} || "") { ($item eq 'mac') and $val =~ s/-/:/g; my $label = $h_label->{$item} || " "; $label or fatal("No label found for item '$item'"); my $dots = "." x ($maxwidth - length($label)); printf "$space %s %s %s\n", $label, $dots, $val; } } print "\n"; } } sub change_inteface_states { my ($a_info, $a_args) = @_; my $nifs = @$a_info; foreach my $arg (@$a_args) { if ($arg !~ /^~(\d+)$/) { print "Invalid arg '$arg' ignored\n"; } else { my $idx = $1; if ($idx < 1 or $idx > $nifs) { print "Skipping interface '$idx' (not in range 1-$nifs +)\n"; } else { my $h_if = $a_info->[$idx-1]; my $name = $h_if->{'name'}; cycle_network_interface($name); } } } print "\n\n"; } sub cycle_network_interface { my ($name) = @_; print "Type [RETURN] to DISABLE, then ENABLE interface '$name':"; <STDIN>; my $netsh_dis = qq{interface set interface "$name" DISABLED}; my $netsh_en = qq{interface set interface "$name" ENABLED}; my $netsh_show = qq{interface ip show addresses "$name"}; print "Command: netsh $netsh_dis\n"; system("$netsh $netsh_dis 1>nul 2>nul"); print "Command: netsh $netsh_en\n"; system("$netsh $netsh_en 1>nul 2>nul"); my $ntries = 32; my $addr = ""; print "Renewing IP address "; while ($ntries-- > 0) { print "."; chomp(my @results = `$netsh $netsh_show`); map { /$re_ip_addr/ and $addr = $1 } @results; $addr and last; select(undef, undef, undef, 0.25); } print "\n"; $addr or fatal("Failed to reenable interface '$name'"); }

say  substr+lc crypt(qw $i3 SI$),4,5