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Re^5: When to Use Object Oriented approach in Perl? (RFC)

by tobyink (Canon)
on Sep 06, 2014 at 15:35 UTC ( [id://1099761]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^4: When to Use Object Oriented approach in Perl? (RFC)
in thread When to Use Object Oriented approach in Perl? (RFC)

A rectangle class might have horizontal_stretch and vertical_stretch methods which stretch a rectangle in one direction. Square is a subclass of rectangle, but if you stretch a square in one direction, it's no longer a square.

Generalising the issue: mutator methods in the parent class might invalidate constraints imposed by the child class.

The square—rectangle problem (a.k.a. the circle—ellipse problem) is often seen as a demonstration of why subclassing is evil. I prefer to see it as a demonstration of why mutable objects are evil.

Here's a perfectly consistent implementation of a Square and Rectangle class using immutable objects and subclassing...

use Moops; class Rectangle using Moose :ro { has height => (isa => Num, required => true); has width => (isa => Num, required => true); has colour => (isa => Str, default => "black"); method area () { $self->height * $self->width; } method perimeter () { 2 * ($self->height + $self->width); } # Here's a private method; it creates a clone of # the current object, but allows some attributes to # be changed. # method my $_but (%args) { __PACKAGE__->new(%$self, %args); } method paint (Str $colour) { $self->$_but( colour => $colour ); } method horizontal_stretch (Num $factor) { my $new_width = $self->width * $factor; $self->$_but( width => $new_width ); } method vertical_stretch (Num $factor) { my $new_height = $self->height * $factor; $self->$_but( height => $new_height ); } method grow (Num $factor) { $self->horizontal_stretch($factor)->vertical_stretch($factor); } } class Square extends Rectangle using Moose :ro { around BUILDARGS (@args) { my $params = $self->$next(@args); $params->{height} //= $params->{width}; $params->{width} //= $params->{height}; return $params; } method BUILD { confess "Not a square" unless $self->width == $self->height; } } my $square = Square->new(width => 12); print $square->dump; my $painted = $square->paint("red"); print $painted->dump; my $grown = $painted->vertical_stretch(2.5); print $grown->dump;

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