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Re: How to perform different sorts on multiple sections of items in the same array

by Anonymous Monk
on Dec 29, 2014 at 03:24 UTC ( [id://1111600]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to How to perform different sorts on multiple sections of items in the same array

sort and How do I sort an array by (anything)?

Here's one way to do it with fairly complex sort criteria and a Schwartzian transform (assuming I've understood the requirements correctly):

#!/usr/bin/env perl use warnings; use strict; use List::Util 'shuffle'; use Test::More tests=>1; my @expect = qw/ frooc froof froz ebaz eyun ebxu quz qun que /; my @input = shuffle @expect; sub special { # sort routine used below $$a[1] <=> $$b[1] # first sort by categories or # then sort by the desired condition per category $$a[1]==1 ? $$a[0] cmp $$b[0] # category 1 (/r/) : ( $$a[1]==2 ? $$a[2] cmp $$b[2] # category 2 (/^e/) : $$b[3] cmp $$a[3] ) # category 3 (rest) } my @output = # sort with Schwartzian transform # Step 3: get back the orig_str out of the array map { $$_[0] } # Step 2: sort with the "special" function defined above sort special # Step 1: each item -> [orig_str, category, third_chr, last_chr] # where category is: /r/ => 1, /^e/ => 2, rest => 3 map { [$_, /r/?1:(/^e/?2:3), substr($_,2,1), substr($_,-1,1)] } @input; is_deeply \@output, \@expect or diag explain \@output;
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