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Re^2: Masking data in a MySQL dump file. Ideas?

by dliakh (Acolyte)
on Oct 13, 2016 at 12:14 UTC ( [id://1173933]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Masking data in a MySQL dump file. Ideas?
in thread Masking data in a MySQL dump file. Ideas?

Hi Corion,

While loading data into a database to process is not the way of doing things in this case, the interesting thing is the way you were reliably finding the boundaries of the rows of data in the INSERT statements when potentially every character which has special meaning when it is not quoted, like apostrophe, comma, parentheses and semicolon may appear in the quoted text in columns data.

I appreciate if you share any details of the way you did that.

Thank you

  • Comment on Re^2: Masking data in a MySQL dump file. Ideas?

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Re^3: Masking data in a MySQL dump file. Ideas?
by Corion (Patriarch) on Oct 13, 2016 at 18:24 UTC

    The timestamps suggest that I last touched this code when SVN still roamed the earth in 2009. This is a program + module to parse the Perlmonks mysql dump into an SQLite database, while also cleaning up some columns in the target database. See the __DATA__ section for the configuration-

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Getopt::Long; use DBI; use lib 'lib'; use SQL::Statement::MySQL; use Data::Dumper; GetOptions( 'file=s' => \my $filename, 'outfile=s' => \my $outfilename, 'integrity' => \my $check_only, 'tables=s' => \my $restrict_to_tables, 'dsn=s' => \my $dsn, 'verbose' => \my $verbose, ); defined $filename or die <<EOHELP; Syntax: $0 --file filename Options: --integrity Only check integrity of dump file create statements against internal definitions. --file FILENAME Use input file FILENAME --tables TABLES Comma-separated list of tables to output Default is to output all tables. --dsn DSN Use given DBI DSN instead of dbi:SQLite:dbname=:memory: Using a non-memory DSN will reduce the RAM requirements --verbose Output more progress information EOHELP my $fh; if ($filename =~ /\.bz2$/) { open $fh, qq(bzip2 -kdc $filename |) or die "Couldn't launch bzip2: $! / $?"; } else { open $fh, "<", $filename or die "Couldn't read '$filename': $!"; }; $outfilename ||= "$filename.scrubbed"; my $outfile; if (! $check_only) { if ($outfilename =~ /^[|]/) { open $outfile, $outfilename or die "Couldn't spawn '$outfilename': $!"; } else { open $outfile, ">", $outfilename or die "Couldn't create '$outfilename': $!"; }; }; $dsn ||= 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=:memory:'; my $dbfile; if ($dsn =~ /^dbi:SQLite:dbname=(.*)$/) { $dbfile = $1; if (-f $dbfile) { unlink $dbfile or die "Couldn't remove old file '$dbfile': $!"; }; }; my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,'','',{ RaiseError => 1, AutoCommit => 0 }); $dbh->do('PRAGMA default_synchronous=OFF'); $dbh->do('PRAGMA page_size=4096'); # For NT sub output($) { print $outfile "$_[0]\n" unless $check_only; } sub progress($) { warn "$_[0]\n" } sub do_sqlite($) { #warn $_[0]; $dbh->do($_[0]); } sub to_sqlite { my ($sql) = @_; #warn "$sql => "; $sql =~ s/ (TYPE|ENGINE)=(?:MyISAM|InnoDB).*$/;/sm; $sql =~ s/\bauto_increment\b//gsm; $sql =~ s/\bint\(\d+\)/INTEGER/g; $sql =~ s/,\n\s*(?:UNIQUE )?KEY[^\n]*?(?=,?\n)//gs; $sql =~ s/ binary / /gs; # this is far from elegant $sql =~ s/ default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP// +gs; # this is far from elegant #warn $sql; return $sql; } #$|++; # for debugging # table =undef => purge # table =hashref => map columns: # column=undef => keep # column=defined => force value my %override_columns; my ($keep,$clean,$postamble); { local $/ = '%%'; ($keep,$clean,$postamble) = map { chomp $_; $_ } <DATA>; close DATA; }; sub parse_column_spec { my ($action,$spec) = @_; my (@columns) = split /,/, $spec; my %res; for my $col (@columns) { if ($col =~ /^\s*(\w+)(?:(?:=)(.*))?$/) { my ($column,$value) = ($1,$2); $res{$column} = $value; } else { die "Invalid column spec >>$col<<"; } }; \%res; } sub skip_insert { qr/^INSERT INTO \Q$_[0]\E VALUES/ }; sub skip_none { qr/(?!)/ }; my %skip_insert; my %columns; my %keep_values; my $re_skip = skip_none; my %sql_insert; my @dump_table; sub output_create_statement { my ($sql) = @_; $sql =~ s/\bKEY when\b/KEY _when/g; output $sql; }; sub create_table { my ($statement,$execute) = @_; my ($table) = $statement->tables; my $re_skip; my @columns = map { $_->name } $statement->columns; $columns{$table} = \@columns; my @unknown = grep {! exists $keep_values{$table}->{spec}->{$_}} @ +columns; if (@unknown) { warn $statement->sql; if ($check_only) { print "Unknown column(s) in $table: @unknown\n"; $re_skip = skip_insert($table); $skip_insert{$table} = 1; } else { die "Unknown column(s) in $table: @unknown" }; } else { if ($check_only) { $re_skip = skip_insert($table); $skip_insert{$table} = 1; } else { %override_columns = map { defined $keep_values{$table}->{spe +c}->{ $columns[$_] } ? ($_ => $keep_values{$table}->{sp +ec}->{ $columns[$_] }) : () } 0..$#columns; output to_sqlite( $statement->sql . ";" ); if ($execute) { warn "Creating table $table\n"; do_sqlite to_sqlite $statement->sql; my $sql = "INSERT INTO $table VALUES (" . join( ",", ( +"?") x ~~@columns) .")"; $sql_insert{$table} = $dbh->prepare($sql); push @dump_table, $table; } else { warn "Outputting table $table\n"; }; $re_skip = skip_none; }; }; return $re_skip; }; sub parse_keep_values { my ($v) = @_; my %keep; my @v = grep { /\S/ } grep { ! /^\s*#/ } map { s/\s*$//gsm; $_ } s +plit /\n/, $v; for (@v) { if (/^\s*output\s*(\w+)\s*\((.+)\)$/) { my ($table,$columns) = ($1,$2); $keep{$table}->{spec} = parse_column_spec(\&output_row,$co +lumns); $keep{$table}->{insert} = \&output_row; $keep{$table}->{create} = sub { create_table( $_[0], 0 ) } +; } elsif (/^\s*copy\s*(\w+)\s*\((.+)\)$/) { my ($table,$columns) = ($1,$2); $keep{$table}->{spec} = parse_column_spec(\&copy_row,$colu +mns); $keep{$table}->{insert} = \&copy_row; $keep{$table}->{create} = sub { create_table( $_[0], 1 ) } +; } elsif (/^\s*purge\s*(\w+)$/) { my ($table) = ($1); $skip_insert{$table} = 1; $keep{$table}->{insert} = sub {}; $keep{$table}->{create} = sub { output($_[0]->sql . ";"); my ($table) = $_[0]->tables; warn "Purging $table\n"; return skip_insert($table); }; } elsif (/^\s*drop\s*(\w+)$/) { my ($table) = ($1); $skip_insert{$table} = 1; $keep{$table}->{insert} = sub {}; $keep{$table}->{create} = sub { my ($table) = $_[0]->tables; warn "Removing $table\n"; return skip_insert($table); }; } else { die "Cannot decipher table specification from >>$_<<"; } }; return %keep; } %keep_values = parse_keep_values($keep); sub copy_row { my ($statement) = @_; for my $r ($statement->colvalues) { my @set_values = @$r; @set_values[ keys %override_columns ] = values %override_colum +ns; my ($table) = $statement->tables; $sql_insert{$table}->execute(@set_values); }; } sub output_row { my ($statement) = @_; my ($table) = $statement->tables; for my $r ($statement->colvalues) { my @set_values = @$r; @set_values[ keys %override_columns ] = values %override_colum +ns; local $" = ","; output "INSERT INTO $table VALUES (@set_values);"; }; } if (defined $restrict_to_tables) { my %keep = map { $_ => 1 } split /,/, $restrict_to_tables; my @discard = grep { ! exists $keep{$_} } keys %keep_values; delete @keep_values{@discard}; } my $p = SQL::Parser::MySQL->new(); my @default_values; my %seen_create; my $start = time(); my $count; # Add file "iterator" which supports: # next_statement() # next_create_statement() # by setting $/ my $override_row; $/ = ";\n"; while (my $sql = <$fh>) { $count++; next if $sql =~ /$re_skip/; next if $sql =~ /^\s*(?:^-- [^\n]+\n)+$re_skip/m; next unless $sql =~ /\S/; my $statement = $p->parse($sql); next unless $statement; # empty statements do happen if ($statement->command eq 'INSERT') { my ($table) = $statement->tables; next if $skip_insert{ $table }; $keep_values{$table}->{insert}->($statement); } elsif ($statement->command eq 'CREATE') { $dbh->commit; my ($table) = $statement->tables; next if $seen_create{$table}++; # This should somehow happen in the callback anyway if (not exists $keep_values{$table}) { if ($check_only) { print "Ignoring/discarding table $table\n"; } else { progress "Ignoring/discarding table $table (no definit +ions)"; output "-- Ignoring $table"; }; $skip_insert{$table} = 1; $re_skip = skip_insert($table); } elsif (my $create = $keep_values{$table}->{create}) { $re_skip = $create->($statement); } else { die "??? $sql"; } } }; $dbh->commit; # Now clean up the SQLite dump: if (! $check_only) { progress "Cleaning database"; for my $sql (split /;\n/, $clean) { $sql =~ s/^\s*--.*\n//mg; next unless $sql =~ /\S/; progress $sql if $verbose; my $sth = $dbh->prepare_cached($sql); $sth->execute(); }; $dbh->commit; }; # Now, output all tables still left in the SQLite tables: for my $table (@dump_table) { progress "Saving table '$table' from database"; my $sql = sprintf "SELECT %s FROM %s", join( ",", @{$columns{$tabl +e}}), $table; my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql); $sth->execute(); while (my $res = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref()) { #output "INSERT INTO $table VALUES (" . join( ",", map { "'$_' +" } @$res ) . ");" output "INSERT INTO $table VALUES (" . join( ",", @$res ) . ") +;" }; } output "-- Postamble"; output $postamble; output "-- End of postamble"; END { my $end = time(); my $taken = (($end-$start)?($end-$start):1); progress sprintf "%s rows in %s seconds (%s/s)", $count, $taken, $co +unt/$taken; } __DATA__ # Table definitions output HTTP_USER_AGENT (browser,numhits) output approval (approved_id,user_approved,whenapproved,status) output approvalhistory (approves_id,user_approves,whenapproves,section +_id,action) output approvalstatus (approved_id,user_approved,whenapproved,status) output approved (user_id,node_id,action,tstamp) #output approves (approves_id,user_approves,whenapproves,action,sectio +n_id) drop approves drop backup_scratchpad drop backup_user output bug (bug_id,bugnum,assignedto_user,subsystem,status,severity,pr +iority,summary,description,disposition) purge cachedresults purge cachedinfo purge cache_stats purge cache_store purge chatter purge considernodes purge considervote output container (container_id,context,parent_container) output contributor (contributor_id,original_author) purge datacache output dailystatistics (date,numusers,lu_day,hits,lu_week,lu_2weeks,lu +_4weeks,lu_ever,totalnodes) output dbcolumn (tablename,seq,name,type,len,scale,nullable,defvalue,k +eyuse,extra) output dbstatduration (durcode,durabbr) output dbstats (stattype,duration,began,value) output dbstattype (typecode,statabbr,statdesc,statcomment) output devtask (devtask_id,status,priority,lead_user) copy document (document_id,doctext,lastedit) purge edithistory purge editorvote # Used for storing sent out "send me my password" details purge emailpwd output htmlcode (htmlcode_id,code) purge ip purge iplog # Are the links in use/referenced at all? output links (from_node,to_node,linktype,hits,food) output mail (mail_id,from_address,attachment_file) purge message # How does newuser relate to user?? purge newuser output node (node_id,type_nodetype,title,author_user,createtime,nodeup +dated,hits,reputation=0,votescast=0,lockedby_user=0,locktime='0000-00 +-00 00:00:00',core,package,postbonus=0,ucreatetime,node_iip) output nodegroup (nodegroup_id,rank,node_id,orderby) # force an update in all nodelets output nodelet (nodelet_id,nltext,nlcode,updateinterval,nlgoto,parent_ +container,lastupdate='0') # All nodepins lose their validity purge nodepin output nodehelp(nodehelp_id,nodehelp_text) output nodetype (nodetype_id,readers_user,writers_user,deleters_user,r +estrict_nodetype,extends_nodetype,restrictdupes,sqltable,grouptable,u +pdaters_user) output note (note_id,parent_node,position,root_node) output notepointers (createtime, flag, parent, child) output patch (patch_id,for_node,field,reason,applied,applied_by) output perlfunc (perlfunc_id,name,synopsis,description) output perlnews (perlnews_id,linklocation) # picked_nodes need to be re-picked purge picked_nodes output polls (polls_id,choices,numbers,gimmick,gimmickchoice,prologue) # Clean out all votes on polls purge pollvote # Should this be dropped/purged? drop protouser drop rating output reapednode (node_id,data,author_user,createtime,reason,del,keep +,edit,type_nodetype,reputation=0) # Not really needed/alive, is it? purge referrer output review (review_id,itemdescription,usercomment,identifier) output scratchpad (scratchpad_id,foruser_id,privatetext='') # Is this one used/referenced at all? #output searchwords (keyword, hits, lastupdate, nodes) purge searchwords copy setting (setting_id,vars) output snippet (snippet_id,snippetdesc,snippetcode) output sourcecode (sourcecode_id,codedescription,codecategory,codeauth +or) # The stats aren't that interesting purge stats output string (string_id,text) output testpolls (testpolls_id,choices,numbers,gimmick,gimmickchoice,p +rologue) output testpollvote (ipaddress) output themesetting (themesetting_id,parent_theme) # The stuff in the tomb is gone for mortals purge tomb output user (user_id,nick='',realname='',passwd='',email='',karma=0,gi +vevotes='Y',votesleft=0,votes=0,user_scratchpad='',experience,imgsrc, +lastupdate,lasttime,secret='',voteavg=1) # This is just to keep the webservers in sync #output version (version_id,version) purge version purge vote purge votehistory copy wiki (wiki_id, readers, writers) output hint (hint_id,height,width,explains_node) output hitsinfo (hitdate,hits) output htmlpage (htmlpage_id,pagetype_nodetype,displaytype,page,parent +_container,ownedby_theme,mimetype) # Should we purge this just to save some space? output image (image_id,src,alt,thumbsrc,description) # Purge this because of the email? output newuserchit (email,digest,lasttime) output newuserimage (newuserimage_id,timestamp) output keyword (keyword_id,word) output keywordnode (keyword_id,node_id,user_id) output keywords (node_id,rating,word) output largedoc (largedoc_id,largedoctext) output level_buckets (experience,num,level) output maintenance (maintenance_id,maintain_nodetype,maintaintype) output quest (quest_id,starttime,endtime) purge rawdata #output rawdata (rawdata_id,datatype,databytes,lastedit) output rawpage (rawpage_id,datatype,lastedit) output repliesinfo (directreplies,repliesbelow,parent) purge tickerlog # Need some sanity check that checks that the highest _id is smaller # or equal to SELECT max(node_id) FROM nodes %% -- Purge all wiki contents especially the gods' wiki -- also weed out the "old wiki" copies! UPDATE document SET doctext = '''*deleted*''' WHERE document_id IN (SELECT wiki_id FROM wiki) ; %% -- Set the magic node number for this dump -- This requires far more thought, because we (could) need to really c +reate a new -- setting from scratch, which would be stupid. -- DELETE FROM setting LEFT JOIN node ON setting_id = node_id WHERE ti +tle = 'magic_number'; -- INSERT INTO setting (setting_id,vars) --raw passthrough -- VALUES ('magic_number', (SELECT max(node_id) FROM node)); -- Set up users that can log in -- Corion UPDATE user SET passwd = 'supersecret' WHERE user_id = 5348; -- Co-Rion UPDATE user SET passwd = 'supersecret' WHERE user_id = 518801; CREATE TABLE traffic_stats ( node_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, day DATETIME, hits INTEGER DEFAULT 0, hour INTEGER ); -- Create some indices: CREATE INDEX idx_node_title on node (title); CREATE INDEX idx_node_title_type on node (title,type_nodetype); CREATE INDEX idx_nodegroup_node on nodegroup (node_id); CREATE INDEX idx_nodegroup_nodegroup on nodegroup (nodegroup_id); CREATE INDEX idx_nodegroup_node_nodegroup on nodegroup (node_id,nodegr +oup_id); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX idx_htmlcode_id on htmlcode (htmlcode_id); CREATE INDEX idx_traffic_stats ON traffic_stats (node_id,day,hour);

      Here is the supplemental SQL::Statement::MySQL. If anybody wants to release this onto CPAN, they are very welcome!

      package SQL::Statement::MySQL; use strict; use base qw(Class::Accessor); require SQL::Statement; use Carp qw(croak); use Scalar::Util qw(weaken); use List::Util qw(max); =head2 C<< new %ARGS >> Creates a new instance =cut sub new { my ($class,%args) = @_; $class->SUPER::new(\%args); } __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw(parser tables sql command)); sub columns { @{ $_[0]->{columns}}} =head2 C<< where >> Stub implementation - MySQL dumps don't contain UPDATE, DELETE or SELECT statements. =cut sub where { '' }; sub colvalues { my ($self) = @_; my $values = $self->{colvalues} ||= $self->parser->parse_values($s +elf->{_colvalues}); my @columns = $self->columns; for my $v (@$values) { if (@$v != @columns) { warn ~~@$v . " / " . ~~ @columns; for (0.. max($#columns,$#$v)) { warn "$_: " . $columns[$_]->name . " => $v->[$_]" }; warn "Values: @$v"; #die "Weird statement columns: " . $self->sql; die; }; }; @$values } =head2 C<< $s->reconstruct >> Reconstructs the SQL statement from the internal representation. This is convenient for changing a statement. NOT IMPLEMENTED CURRENTLY =cut sub reconstruct { croak "reconstruct() is not implemented"; } package SQL::Parser::MySQL; use strict; use base qw(Class::Accessor); use List::Util qw( max ); # for better error reporting require SQL::Statement; use vars qw(%unquote $sql_name); $sql_name = qr/\`?(\w+)\`?/; =head1 NAME SQL::Parser::MySQL - parse MySQL dumps =head1 ABSTRACT This is a parser for SQL statements as found in MySQL dumps. =head1 SYNOPSIS use SQL::Statement::MySQL; my $parser = SQL::Parser::MySQL->new(); $/ = $parser->record_separator; while (<>) { my ($stmt) = $parser->parse($_); } =head2 C<< new SQL >> Parses a single statement from a MySQL dump. While this class attempts to behave the same as a L<SQL::Statement> instance, it is no subclass. =cut __PACKAGE__->mk_accessors(qw(record_separator tables current_table)); sub new { my $class = shift; my %args; if (@_ == 1) { %args = (statement => @_) } else { %args = @_ } $args{record_separator} ||= ";\n"; $args{tables} ||= {}; $args{current_table} = undef; $class->SUPER::new(\%args); } sub line_separator { ";\n" } =head2 C<< parse SQL >> Returns a L<SQL::Statement::MySQL> instance which can be used to inspect and modify the SQL statement. The line is autochomped. =cut sub parse { my ($self,$sql) = @_; my $sep = $self->line_separator; $sql =~ s/\Q$sep\E\z//sm; my $values; my ($table,$columns,@columns,$command); if ($sql =~ /^(?>--[^\n]*\n+)*\s*INSERT INTO\s*$sql_name\s+VALUES +\((.*)\)\z/smi) { $command = 'INSERT'; ($table,$values) = ($1,$2); if (! exists $self->tables->{$table}) { # who cares? #die "Insert into unknown table '$table' in statement >>$s +ql<<"; $self->tables->{$table}->{columns} = [] } } elsif ($sql =~ /^(?>--[^\n]*\n+)*\s*DROP TABLE IF EXISTS $sql_na +me\z/smi) { $command = 'DROP'; ($table) = ($1); # We ignore DROP statements return; } elsif ($sql =~ /^(?>--[^\n]*\n+)*\s*LOCK TABLES $sql_name WRITE\ +z/smi) { $command = 'LOCK'; ($table) = ($1); # We ignore LOCK statements return; } elsif ($sql =~ /^(?>--[^\n]*\n+)*\s*UNLOCK TABLES\z/smi) { $command = 'UNLOCK'; ($table) = ($1); # We ignore UNLOCK statements return; } elsif ($sql =~ /^(?>--[^\n]*\n+)*\s*CREATE\s*TABLE $sql_name \(( +.*)\)(?: (?:TYPE|ENGINE)=(?:MyISAM|InnoDB))?(?: AUTO_INCREMENT=\d+)?( +?: DEFAULT CHARSET=\S+)?(?: PACK_KEYS=1)?\s*\z/sm) { $command = 'CREATE'; ($table,$columns) = ($1,$2); my (@columns,@keycolumns,@primaries,@unique); 1 while ($columns =~ s/,\n\s*KEY\s*$sql_name\s*\((.*)\)\s*//); while ($columns =~ s/,\n\s*UNIQUE KEY\s*$sql_name\s*\((.*)\)\s +*//) { @primaries = split /,/, $1; }; if ($columns =~ s/,\n\s*PRIMARY KEY\s*\((.*)\)\s*//) { @primaries = split /,/, $1; }; #warn $columns; @keycolumns = ($columns =~ s/,\n\s*KEY\s*\w+\s*\(.*\)\s*//g); @columns = (map { /(\w+)/ ? $1 : '<unknown>' } split /,\n/, $c +olumns); $self->current_table( SQL::Statement::Table->new($table)); $self->tables->{ $table }->{keycolumns} = \@keycolumns; $self->tables->{ $table }->{primarykeys} = \@primaries; $self->tables->{ $table }->{columns} = [ map { SQL::Statement: +:Column->new({ table => $table, column => $_, })} @columns ]; } elsif ($sql =~ /^(?>--[^\n]*\n+)(?>\/\*[^\n]+\*\/)?\s*\z/smi) { # empty statement save for comments return } elsif ($sql =~ m!^(?>/\*[^\n]+\*/)?\s*\z!smi) { # empty statement save for comments return } else { die "Unknown/unparseable statement: >>$sql<<"; } SQL::Statement::MySQL->new( sql => $sql, parser => $self, tables => $table, columns => [@{ $self->tables->{ $table }->{columns} }], _colvalues => $values, command => $command, ); } =head2 C<< $s->parse_values VALUES >> Splits a comma-separated string into its components. No decoding or unquoting of the values is done, as the values are expected to be reused in a subsequent C<print> statement. The following three values are recognized: =over 4 =item * A literal NULL =item * An integer number =item * A single-quote quoted string. The following escapes can occur within such a string: \' - a literal single quote \" - a literal double quote \\ - a backslash \n - a newline \r - a carriage return \0 - maybe a binary zero \A-\Z - something weird, maybe CTRL-A to CTRL-Z ? =back The function returns a reference to an array. If you want to use the values within Perl, for example by passing them into a DBI handle, you can use the C<unquote_value> method to convert the values to something directly useable by Perl. =cut my $string = qr/(?:(?>')(?:(?>[^\\']+)|(?>(?:\\['\\"rn0A-Z])+))*')/; my $null = qr/(?:(?>NULL))/; my $num = qr/(?:(?>-?\d+)(?:\.\d+)?)/; my $value = qr/(?:$string|$null|$num)/; sub parse_values { my ($self,$values) = @_; my @r; while ($values =~ /\G(?:^|\),\(|\s*$)/gc) { my @res; while ($values =~ /\G($value)(?:,?)/gc) { push @res, $1; }; #warn "Next: ", substr $values, pos $values, 3; push @r, \@res if @res; }; my $consumed = pos $values; if (substr($values,$consumed) =~ /\S/ and $consumed != length $val +ues) { while ($values =~ s/^($value),//) { warn "Got: $1 (and more)\n"; }; if ($values =~ s/^($value)//) { warn "Fin: $1 (nevermore)\n"; } if ($values ne '') { warn "Left over: >$values<"; } #warn $self->sql; #warn "Malformed VALUES clause: >$values< in $_[1]"; #warn "Found:"; #warn $_ for ($values =~ /((?>$value))(?>(?:,|$))/g); die "Cannot continue - parsing error"; }; return \@r; } =head2 C<< unquote_value VALUES >> Takes a list of quoted values and unquotes them. If the list contains only one element and that element is an array reference, another reference to the mapped array elements is returned. The following rules apply for each value: =item * If the value is a literal C<NULL>, the function returns C<undef> =item * If the value looks like a number, that number is returned as a string to avoid the numeric imprecision that's possible if conversion happens. No explicit numerical translation is done, for example by adding C<+0> to the number. =item * If the value is a string quoted within single quotes, the following escapes get replaced and the enclosing single quotes get stripped: \' - a literal single quote \" - a literal double quote \\ - a backslash \n - a newline \r - a carriage return \0 - a binary zero \A-\Z - CTRL-A to CTRL-Z ? =cut for my $l (qw(n r \\ 0 ' ")) { $unquote{$l} = eval qq{"\\$l"} }; for my $l ('A'..'Z') { $unquote{$l} = chr((ord $l)-64); } sub unquote_value { my ($self) = shift; if (@_ == 1 and ref($_[0]) and ref($_[0]) eq 'ARRAY') { return [ $self->unquote_value( @$_[0]) ] } else { return map { if (/^$null$/) { undef } elsif (/^$num$/) { $_+0 } elsif (/^$string$/) { # remove quotes chop; $_ = substr $_, 1; s/\\(.)/$unquote{$1}/eg; $_ } else { die "Unhandled/unknown value >>$_<<" } } (@_) } } 1; =head1 SEE ALSO L<SQL::Statement> =cut

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