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How to share a non-blocking IO::Socket::INET server/pass "listening" control?

by ljamison (Sexton)
on Mar 02, 2017 at 19:00 UTC ( [id://1183457]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

ljamison has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Is it possible to "share" or "change ownership" of a socket server?

For example:

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use IO::Socket::INET; my $server = IO::Socket::INET->new( LocalPort => 8000, Type => SOCK_STREAM, Listen => SOMAXCONN, Blocking => 0, ); die "Can't create server socket! $!\n" unless $server; sub addSomething { # connects on port 8001 # and submits entry to # be added to the database # then waits for a status # from $server on port 8000 } sub updateSomething { # sends update request on # port 8001 then waits for # status from $server on # port 8000 }

Is there some way that $server can be "taken control of" by either addSomething or updateSomething then returned to its independent state once either subroutine is finished using it? Thank you for any advice you can provide!

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: How to share a non-blocking IO::Socket::INET server/pass "listening" control?
by VinsWorldcom (Prior) on Mar 02, 2017 at 19:08 UTC

    You could just open another server on port 8001 and use select to listen for connections on either one. Why can't you just send your request and status on the $server port 8000?

      Hello and thanks for your reply! Unfortunately, the peer I'm connecting to is proprietary software and it can't be changed, unfortunately. The way I described it is the way in which the peer expects to communicate.

      When I connect to the peer on port 8001, I send a message (MESG) and get an ACK reply (with code RESP). After the MESG and RESP are sent/received, respectively, the peer is designed to initiate a connection to port 8000 and send a STAT notifying of the status of the entry in the database (i.e. for addSomething - if it already existed in the database the STAT would provide the code indicating so).

        Wasn't this answered in Async socket connection? What about those answers didn't work and what code from that did you try?

Re: How to share a non-blocking IO::Socket::INET server/pass "listening" control?
by ljamison (Sexton) on Apr 03, 2017 at 18:54 UTC

    For the sake of completeness, I want to share the resolution I ended up using POE (worlds of gratitude to Rocco for his input and willingness to answer my questions).

    Here is the boilerplate code for the solution I created and I hope others find this useful as well! Side note: For my purposes, I needed to use POE::Filter::Stream but the default is POE::Filter::Line

    Though this is my current fix to the problem, I'm not very satisfied with the workaround using log files which can be cumbersome. If anyone has any suggestions/tips how I could improve it and/or make it more efficient (pipes, etc.) I would love to hear ideas!

    #!/usr/bin/perl -w ## This example establishes a full duplex ## TCP Client/Server connection in one file ## ## In order to facilitate two-way communication, ## log files located in /var/log/ are written to by ## a client program and POE uses POE::Wheel::FollowTail ## to signal that there is an information update ## (and suggestions on how to improve/optimize that ## would be very welcome) use strict; use warnings; use POE qw(Component::Server::TCP Component::Client::TCP Wheel::FollowTail Filter::Stream); use constant INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT => 10; # seconds use constant RECONNECT_TIMEOUT => 15; # seconds # this layout was inspired by this entry # from the POE Cookbook: # my %logs_to_watch = ( log_one => "/var/log/log_one.log"; log_two => "/var/log/log_two.log"; ); POE::Session->create( inline_states => { _start => \&begin_watchers, log_one_record => \&log_one_got_record, log_two_record => \&log_two_got_record, log_reset => \&generic_log_reset, log_error => \&generic_log_error, }, ); my $server = POE::Component::Server::TCP->new( Alias =>'TCPServer', Port => 8000, ClientConnected => sub { print 'Client connected! (' . localtime . ")\n"; }, ClientDisconnected => sub { print 'Client disconnected! (' . localtime . "\n"; }, ClientInput => sub { my $input = $_[ARG0]; print "Server got: $input\n"; my $reply = '000'; # example successful ACK response $_[HEAP{client}->put($reply); }, # any of the POE::Filter options can be used here # depending on remote input ClientFilter => "POE::Filter::Stream", Stopped => sub { my ($kernel) = $_[KERNEL]; # terminates TCPClient's connection with # remote server if the local server shuts down $kernel->post('TCPClient', 'shutdown'); }, ); my $client = POE::Component::Client::TCP->new( Alias => 'TCPClient', RemoteAddress => '', RemotePort => 8001, Connected => sub { my ($kernel) = $_[KERNEL]; # triggers a keepalive timer for a custom keepalive method # to be fired after the set interval while connected $kernel->delay(keepalive => INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT); }, Disconnected => sub { my ($kernel) = $_[KERNEL]; # sets keepalive to undef to stop the delay timer $kernel->delay(keepalive => undef); # sets timer to attempt reconnection to address $kernel->delay(reconnect => RECONNECT_TIMEOUT); }, Filter => "POE::Filter::Stream", InlineStates => { keepalive => \&keepalive, send_request => \&send_request, }, ServerInput => sub { my ($kernel, $input) = $_[KERNEL, ARG0]; # $input would be the remote server's ACK/NAK response..handle + accordingly $kernel->delay(keepalive => INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT); }, ServerError => sub { my ($operation, $errno, $errstr, $id) = @_[ARG0..ARG3]; if ($operation eq "read" and $errno == 0 { print "EOF encountered!\n"; } else { print "$id encountered $operation error $errno: $errstr\n" +; } }, ); sub begin_watchers { my ($kernel, $heap) = @_[KERNEL, HEAP]; while (my ($service, $log_file) each %logs_to_watch) { my $log_watcher = POE::Wheel::FollowTail->new( Filename => $log_file, # based on what the purpose is Filter => POE::Filter::Stream->new(); InputEvent => $service . "_record", ResetEvent => "log_reset", ErrorEvent => "log_error", ); $heap->{services}->{$log_watcher->ID} = $service; $heap->{watchers}->{$log_watcher->ID} = $log_watcher; } } sub generic_log_reset { my ($heap, $wheel_id) = @_[HEAP, ARG0]; my $service = $heap->{services}->{$wheel_id}; print "--- $service log reset at ", scalar(gmtime), " GMT\n"; } sub generic_log_error { my ($heap, $operation, $errno, $error_string, $wheel_id) = @_[HEAP +, ARG0, ARG1, ARG2, ARG3]; my $service = $heap->{services}->{$wheel_id}; print "--- $service log $operation error $errno: $error_string\n"; print "--- Shutting down $service log watcher.\n"; delete $heap->{services}->{$wheel_id}; delete $heap->{watchers}->{$wheel_id}; } sub log_one_got_record { my $log_record = $_[ARG0]; "log_one_got_record received: $log_record\n"; if ($log_record =~ /log_one_string/) { # notifies $client of the information added my $postrequest = POE::Kernel->post('TCPClient', "send_request +", $log_record); } } sub log_two_got_record { my $log_record = $_[ARG0]; "log_two_got_record received: $log_record\n"; if ($log_record =~ /log_two_string/) { # notifies $client of the information added my $postrequest = POE::Kernel->post('TCPClient', "send_request +", $log_record); } } sub keepalive { #format keepalive(i.e. ping) message here my $keepalive = ''; $_[HEAP{server}->put($keepalive); $KERNEL->delay(keepalive => INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT); } sub send_request { my $request = $_[ARG0]; print "Sent from KohaClient to EMS: $request\n"; $_[HEAP]{server}->put($request); } POE::Kernel->run();

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