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Re: one liner question

by haukex (Archbishop)
on Apr 20, 2017 at 09:51 UTC ( [id://1188382]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to one liner question

$ tac /var/log/rsync.log | perl -lane 'if(/received/){ print "$F[0] $F +[1]"; exit }' # Update 2017-04-21: compacting that a little bit: $ tac /var/log/rsync.log | perl -lane 'if(/received/){print"@F[0,1]";e +xit}'

Script (using File::ReadBackwards):

use warnings; use strict; use File::ReadBackwards; die "Usage: $0 LOGFILE\n" unless @ARGV==1; my $FILE = shift @ARGV; my $bw = File::ReadBackwards->new($FILE) or die "Can't read $FILE: $!" ; LINE: while(defined( my $line = $bw->readline )) { chomp($line); if ( $line =~ /received/ ) { my ($dt) = $line =~ /^([\d\/]+\s+[\d\:]+)\b/ or die "Failed to parse date from: $line\n"; print "$dt\n"; last LINE; } } $bw->close;

Update: Credit to Discipulus for the inspiration of the first one-liner. Here's another one that scans the file forwards, like your original code does, but of course it'll be less efficient on larger files. For an explanation of }{ see the "Eskimo greeting" in perlsecret.

$ perl -lane '/received/ and $a="$F[0] $F[1]"}{print $a' /var/log/rsyn +c.log

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