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Re^7: Perl Database Entries

by poj (Abbot)
on Jul 16, 2017 at 08:15 UTC ( [id://1195196]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^6: Perl Database Entries
in thread Perl Database Entries

Try this, check the log and if OK un-comment the database commands

#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use JSON; use DBI; use Data::Dump 'pp'; my $api_results = q! [{ "id":1084, "slug":"twitter-sportchek", "name":"Twitter - SportChek", "provider":{ "id":44, "slug":"twitter", "name":"Twitter - Shared", "access_type_cd":null, "login_method":"spider", "launch_timeout":45, "capabilities":{ "has_import":false, "has_password_reset":true, "has_provision":false, "has_saml":false, "has_sync":false, "unsupported_browsers":[], "services":"authenticatable", "auth_or_directory":false, "has_ou":false }, "icons":{ "small":"", "large":"" +, "color_code":"7c8d95", "first_letter":"t" } }, "configuration":{ "saml":false, "login":"rtchek", "url":"", "extra":null, "install_type":"shared", "authentication_type":"browser", "launch_method":"get", "namespace":[""] }, "labels":[], "created_at":"2017-06-09T23:22:15.571-07:00", "status":"active", "key_vault":false, "requires_mfa_code":false }, { "id":109291, "slug":"rei-spredfast", "name":"REI - Spredfast", "provider":{ "id":5561, "slug":"spredfast", "name":"Spredfast", "access_type_cd":null, "login_method":"spider", "launch_timeout":45, "capabilities":{ "has_import":false, "has_password_reset":false, "has_provision":false, "has_saml":false, "has_sync":false, "unsupported_browsers":[], "services":"authenticatable", "auth_or_directory":false, "has_ou":false }, "icons":{ "small":"https://assom/a/images/apps/spredfast_sm.png", "large":" +g", "color_code":"65c6bb", "first_letter":"s" } }, "configuration":{ "saml":false, "login":"reiteamocial", "url":"", "extra":null, "install_type":"shared", "authentication_type":"browser", "launch_method":"get", "namespace":[""] }, "labels":[], "created_at":"2017-06-19T12:33:33.561-07:00", "status":"active", "key_vault":false, "requires_mfa_code":false }]!; my $json = new JSON; my $data = $json->allow_nonref->decode($api_results); pp $data; my $dbh;# connect my @cols = qw( id app_slug app_Name provider_id provider_slug provider_saml config_saml config_login config_url created_date status key_vault mfa_code configuration_install ); my $cols = join ',',@cols; my $sql_insert = " INSERT IGNORE INTO apps ( $cols ) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)" ; #my $sth = $dbh->prepare($sql_insert) or die $dbh->errstr; my $logfile = 'log.dat'; open LOG,'>',$logfile or die "Could not open $logfile : $!"; print LOG join "\t",@cols,"\n"; my $count; for (@$data){ my @row; push @row,$_->{'id'}; push @row,$_->{'slug'}; push @row,$_->{'name'}; push @row,$_->{'provider'}{'id'}; push @row,$_->{'provider'}{'slug'}; push @row,$_->{'provider'}{'capabilities'}{'has_saml'}; push @row,$_->{'configuration'}{'saml'}; push @row,$_->{'configuration'}{'login'}; push @row,$_->{'configuration'}{'url'}; push @row,$_->{'created_at'}; push @row,$_->{'status'}; push @row,$_->{'key_vault'}; push @row,$_->{'requires_mfa_code'}; push @row,$_->{'configuration'}{'install_type'}; #$sth->execute(@row) or die $sth->errstr; print LOG join "\t",@row,"\n"; ++$count; } close LOG; print "$count records inserted - see $logfile";

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Re^8: Perl Database Entries
by cbtshare (Monk) on Jul 16, 2017 at 20:42 UTC
    Thank you

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