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Re: New to Perl and need help

by choroba (Cardinal)
on Nov 01, 2017 at 23:16 UTC ( [id://1202558]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to New to Perl and need help

Use a while loop to validate the input, use subroutines for submenus. The return value of the submenu can be used to decide whether to quit or continue, i.e. back or quit.

#! /usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use feature qw{ say }; my $done; while (! $done) { print << '__MENU__'; Main Menu 1. Get date and time 2. Go to submenu 3. Quit __MENU__ chomp( my $reply = <> ); next unless $reply =~ /^[123]$/; if ($reply == 1) { say scalar localtime; } elsif ($reply == 2) { $done = submenu(); } else { $done = 1; } } sub submenu { my $done; while (! $done) { print << '__MENU__'; Submenu 1. Get username 2. Back 3. Quit __MENU__ chomp( my $reply = <> ); next unless $reply =~ /^[123]$/; if ($reply == 1) { say scalar getpwuid $>; } else { $done = $reply; } } return $done == 3 }

As you probably noticed, most of the code is repeated, so it should be extracted to a subroutine.


#! /usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use feature qw{ say }; menu('Main Menu', [ 'Get date and time', sub { say scalar localtime } ], [ 'Go to submenu', sub { $_[0] = submenu() } ], [ 'Quit', sub { $_[0] = 1 } ], ); sub menu { my ($title, @options) = @_; my $done; while (! $done) { say $title; say 1 + $_, ". $options[$_][0]" for 0 .. $#options; chomp( my $reply = <> ); next unless $reply =~ /^[1-9][0-9]*$/; next if $reply > @options; --$reply; $options[$reply][1]->($done, $reply); } return $done } sub submenu { my $result = menu('Submenu', [ 'Get username', sub { say scalar getpwuid $> } ], [ 'Back', \&pass ], [ 'Quit', \&pass ], ); return $result == 2 # Propagate Quit. } sub pass { $_[0] = $_[1] }
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