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Re^5: parse html for specific things

by hippo (Bishop)
on Dec 18, 2017 at 17:18 UTC ( [id://1205806]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^4: parse html for specific things
in thread parse html for specific things

Or just use json_xs.

$ json_xs < /tmp/concise.json { "tradedDate" : "15DEC2017", "otherSeries" : [ "EQ" ], "optLink" : "/marketinfo/sym_map/symbolMapping.jsp?symbol=SHREECEM& +instrument=-&date=-&segmentLink=17&symbolCount=2", "futLink" : "/live_market/dynaContent/live_watch/get_quote/GetQuote +FO.jsp?underlying=SHREECEM&instrument=FUTSTK&expiry=28DEC2017&type=-& +strike=-", "data" : [ { "open" : "18,044.00", "buyPrice1" : "17,750.25", "previousClose" : "17,898.30", "securityVar" : "5.21", "recordDate" : "-", "ndEndDate" : "-", "purpose" : "DIVIDEND - RS 24 PER SHARE", "sellQuantity4" : "2", "sellQuantity1" : "1", "averagePrice" : "17,850.84", "totalSellQuantity" : "7,255", "pChange" : "-0.82", "dayLow" : "17,701.00", "pricebandupper" : "19,688.10", "buyPrice5" : "17,735.05", "companyName" : "Shree Cements Limited", "sellQuantity5" : "1", "sellPrice3" : "17,772.10", "buyPrice2" : "17,750.20", "totalTradedValue" : "2,741.00", "applicableMargin" : "12.50", "totalTradedVolume" : "15,355", "buyPrice4" : "17,750.00", "sellPrice1" : "17,751.40", "basePrice" : "17,898.30", "sellPrice5" : "17,775.00", "faceValue" : "10.00", "dayHigh" : "18,197.90", "adhocMargin" : "-", "bcEndDate" : "31-JUL-17", "deliveryToTradedQuantity" : "86.15", "buyQuantity1" : "3", "marketType" : "N", "buyPrice3" : "17,750.10", "low52" : "13,140.30", "cm_adj_low_dt" : "23-DEC-16", "sellQuantity2" : "1", "css_status_desc" : "Listed", "change" : "-146.90", "buyQuantity2" : "2", "cm_adj_high_dt" : "15-MAY-17", "bcStartDate" : "25-JUL-17", "cm_ffm" : "21,823.45", "secDate" : "14DEC2017", "pricebandlower" : "16,108.50", "sellQuantity3" : "2", "high52" : "20,538.00", "closePrice" : "0.00", "indexVar" : "-", "isinCode" : "INE070A01015", "sellPrice4" : "17,772.15", "symbol" : "SHREECEM", "totalBuyQuantity" : "7,050", "buyQuantity4" : "5", "buyQuantity3" : "3", "quantityTraded" : "1,09,030", "priceBand" : "No Band", "extremeLossMargin" : "5.00", "deliveryQuantity" : "93,925", "varMargin" : "7.50", "exDate" : "21-JUL-17", "lastPrice" : "17,751.40", "isExDateFlag" : false, "series" : "EQ", "sellPrice2" : "17,758.50", "surv_indicator" : "-", "ndStartDate" : "-", "buyQuantity5" : "2" } ], "lastUpdateTime" : "15-DEC-2017 14:55:53" }

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Re^6: parse html for specific things
by roboticus (Chancellor) on Dec 18, 2017 at 22:10 UTC


    $ locate json_xs locate: warning: database ‘/var/locatedb’ is more than 8 days old (act +ual age is 12.3 days) C:/cygwin64\bin\json_xs C:/cygwin64\home\Roboticus\perl5\bin\cpanel_json_xs C:/cygwin64\home\Roboticus\perl5\man\man1\cpanel_json_xs.1 C:/cygwin64\usr\share\man\man1\json_xs.1.gz

    Nice! Now I don't have to bother. I hadn't noticed that I had a tool like that already installed. ;^)


    When your only tool is a hammer, all problems look like your thumb.

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