There has been a bit of interest expressed in my AI::Perlog implementation, including requests for what code I have written so far. While I do not intend to upload anything to the CPAN as I consider this code to be pre-alpha quality, I figured I may as well honor the request and let you download the code. The documentation is spotty, but the tests pass and the should give an indication of what's working and what's not. Currently, the only thing I have implemented is boolean queries on facts.

use AI::Perlog; my $pg = AI::Perlog->new; $pg->add_fact( gives => qw/ Ovid money kudra / ); $pg->add_fact( gives => qw/ grep grief Ovid / ); # an underscore is synonymous with the empty string or undef print "y\n" if $pg->gives( qw/ _ _ kudra / ); # does anyone give + anything to kudra? print "y\n" if $pg->gives( '', '', 'kudra' ); # same thing print "y\n" if $pg->gives( undef, undef, 'kudra' ); # same thing print "y\n" if $pg->gives( qw/ grep _ Ovid / ); # does grep give a +nything to Ovid? print "n\n" if ! $pg->gives( qw/ Ovid _ grep / ); # Returns false. O +vid gives nothing to grep

Needless to say, it's just a toy right now, but I hope to have the first stab at unification done later this week, at which point this might actually have some limited utility. Currently, the code generates a spurious warning under Cygwin, but runs clean on Windows 2000 and RH 7.2 (both running 5.6.1).


Update: You can read about some of the future plans at use.perl.

Update 2: Also be aware that this beast eats memory for breakfast. If anyone can come up with a less memory intestive solution that doesn't sacrifice performance, that would be great. Also, I intend to eventually port much of this to Inline::C, so the simpler the data structures, the better.

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