#!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use warnings; use Tk; $|++; my $W; my $c; my $lab; my @newtext; use Text::Tabs; my $tabstop = 8; my $text = "Shape:r59\tX-loc:9.77\tY-loc:5.608"; my $text1 = "Shape:r59\tX-loc:9.8819\tY-loc:0"; push @newtext,($text,$text1); my @newtext = expand(@newtext); $c = initCanvas4(); sub initCanvas4 { $W = MainWindow->new; $W->title("Fiducial Information"); $W->iconname('Fiducial Information'); my $canv = $W->Canvas(qw/-relief sunken -relief flat -bd 0 -width 512 -height 350 -background SlateGray3/); $canv->pack; return $canv; } # Create a listbox with the contents of the directory. my $ent = $c->Scrolled(qw/Listbox -setgrid 1 -height 3 -width 40 -scrollbars e -selectmode single/); for(@{newtext}) { $ent->insert(0, "$_"); } #$ent->bind('', # sub { # $file_selected = $ent->get('active'); # # } $c->createWindow('10p 80p', -window => $lab, -anchor => 'nw' ); $c->createWindow('10p 95p', -window => $ent, -anchor => 'nw' ); MainLoop;