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Detecting Recursion

by YuckFoo (Abbot)
on Nov 26, 2002 at 14:44 UTC ( [id://215835]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

YuckFoo has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

A toy programming language I must use doesn't support user defined functions. So I'm writing a pre-processor to simulate the feature. I want to detect (and disallow) recursion. I have this solution that seems to work fine, but it feels kinda muddy. Can anyone offer a different approach or a refinement? Function calls won't get too deep so I don't expect speed or memory usage to become a problem.


#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; my %donts; my %calls; while (chomp (my $line = <DATA>)) { my ($mom, $kid) = split(' ', $line); # First time moms if (!defined($calls{$mom})) { $calls{$mom} = {}; } $calls{$mom}->{$kid}++; print "$mom calls $kid\n"; # First time kids if (!defined($donts{$kid})) { $donts{$kid} = {}; # Kids shouldn't call themselves $donts{$kid}->{$kid}++; print "$kid better not call $kid\n"; } # Kids shouldn't call their mom $donts{$kid}->{$mom}++; # Kids shouldn't call their mom's moms for my $nono (keys(%{$donts{$mom}})) { $donts{$kid}->{$nono}++; print "$kid better not call $nono\n"; # See if they do if ($calls{$kid}->{$nono}) { print "uh-oh\n"; exit; } } } print "whew!\n"; __DATA__ aaa bbb bbb ccc bbb ddd ccc ddd ddd aaa ddd eee

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Detecting Recursion
by Abigail-II (Bishop) on Nov 26, 2002 at 15:07 UTC
    This is fairly simple. Represent your program as a graph. Each function is a node in the graph, and there's a directed edge from one node to another if the sub calls the other sub. Given this graph, calculate the transitive closure, and see if the transitive closure has a loop. The program is recursion free, if and only if the transitive closure doesn't have a loop, which is represented as a node having a link to itself.

    Luckely, there's a module on CPAN that can help:

    #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use Algorithm::Graphs::TransitiveClosure qw /floyd_warshall/; my $g; while (<DATA>) { my ($from, $to) = split; $g -> {$from} -> {$to} = 1; } floyd_warshall $g; while (my ($key, $value) = each %$g) { print "Recursion for function '$key'\n" if exists $g -> {$key} {$k +ey}; } __DATA__ aaa bbb bbb ccc bbb ddd ccc ddd ddd aaa ddd eee


      Sadly, that's not good enough as a general approach. It only works on the static cases, not on ones that only show up dynamically. When you use this approach on some of those, it also rules out non-recursive stuff that has closed loops it will never actually follow. Those are potentially recursive but not actually recursive. Of course, those will also throw a pre-processor, so that is what you really need to detect here - the problem isn't really "recursion detection" at all. And with stack emulation that you might be able to do inside the toy language, you don't need to stay within the limits of the pre-processor anyway. (What is the toy language, by the way?) Here's an example of potential but non-actual recursion I came across once. You have a number of intercepting calls here and there, that drop status information into a sort of error handler. It reports the status, to console or to printer. But what if the anomaly shows up within console driving code or printer driving code? You make the calls have flags that indicate whether to output to console and/or to printer. That way you never get an error call handing its results on to the code that called it, so you avoid actual recursion - but the links between functions look recursive to a static analysis. Oh, my first thought on analysing the graphs was to see if the inverses of related matrices always existed; if there are loops, things related like the Leontiev matrix of economics don't always have inverses. PML.
        Well, if you want to determine what can happen at runtime, and rule out the cases that will not happen, all you have to do is solve the halting problem. But you need something more complex than a Turing Machine to do that.


Re: Detecting Recursion
by pg (Canon) on Nov 26, 2002 at 20:41 UTC
    An OO style solution: (It prints out all the bad calling chains it found, for each function.)
    package func; use strict; sub new { my $self = {}; shift; $self->{CALLED} = []; $self->{MARK} = 0; $self->{NAME} = shift; bless $self; return $self; } sub call { my ($self, $called) = @_; push @{$self->{CALLED}}, $called; } sub mark { my $result = 0; my ($self, $mark, $current_chain) = @_; if ($self->{MARK} != $mark) { $self->{MARK} = $mark; my $called; foreach $called (@{$self->{CALLED}}) { push @{$current_chain}, $called->{NAME}; $result |= $called->mark($mark, $current_chain); } } else { $result = 1; print(join("->", @{$current_chain})."\n"); } pop @{$current_chain}; $self->{MARK} = 0; return $result; } 1; use func; use Data::Dumper; use strict; my %funcs; while (<DATA>) { chomp; my ($calling, $called) = split(' '); if (!exists($funcs{$calling})) { $funcs{$calling} = new func($calling); } if (!exists($funcs{$called})) { $funcs{$called} = new func($called); } $funcs{$calling}->call($funcs{$called}); } my $mark = 0; my $func; print "Bad calling chains:\n"; foreach $func (keys %funcs) { $mark ++; my $current_chain = []; push @{$current_chain}, $func; $funcs{$func}->mark($mark, $current_chain); } print "End of bad calling chains\n"; __DATA__ aaa bbb aaa ccc bbb ccc ccc bbb ddd aaa ddd eee testing result Bad calling chains: bbb->ccc->bbb aaa->bbb->ccc->bbb aaa->ccc->bbb->ccc ccc->bbb->ccc ddd->aaa->bbb->ccc->bbb ddd->aaa->ccc->bbb->ccc End of bad calling chains
Re: Detecting Recursion
by Anonymous Monk on Nov 26, 2002 at 21:52 UTC
    I need to look at it again, I changed a line of code to see the difference of the test. I want to see if something is missing (in my brain) as far the initial check for recursion. I will check it again tomorrow, when I am ont trying to catch a train :-)

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