#!/usr/bin/perl use warnings; use strict; use Tk; ############ # Settings # ############ my $Epsilon = 6; my $Delay = .5; my @Lines = ([100, 240, 540, 240]); my @Points = map $_/100, ( ( 0, 0), ( 10, 20), ( 90, -20), (100, 0), ); # The expression that generates @Colors looks pretty ugly, but # it's actually the shortest method I could think of for generating # a rainbow in RGB. my @Colors = map sprintf('#%02x%02x%02x', @$_), map [ $_<=256 ? 255 : $_<512 ? 512 - $_ : $_<768 ? 0 : $_<1024 ? 0 : $_<1280 ? $_ - 1024 : 255, $_<256 ? $_ : $_<512 ? 255 : $_<=768 ? 255 : $_<1024 ? 1024 - $_ : $_<1280 ? 0 : 0, $_<256 ? 0 : $_<512 ? 0 : $_<768 ? $_ - 512 : $_<1024 ? 255 : $_<=1280 ? 255 : 1536 - $_, ], (0..1536); ########### # Widgets # ########### my $Main = new Tk::MainWindow; $Main->Label('-textvariable'=>\(my $Status="Initializing..."))->pack; my $Canvas = $Main->Canvas( '-width'=>640, '-height'=>480, '-background'=>'black' )->pack; my @LineItems = map $Canvas->createLine(@$_,'-fill'=>'white'), @Lines; ############# # Main Loop # ############# while (++our $i) { $Status = "Iteration $i..."; my $LinesAffected = 0; my $Color = 0; my $ColorIncrement = (@Colors / @Lines) / (@Points/2 - 1); for (my $Line=0;$Line<=@Lines-1;$Line++) { my @Line = @{$Lines[$Line]}; $Canvas->Exists ? $Canvas->delete($LineItems[$Line]) : exit; my $Size1 = abs($Line[2]-$Line[0]); my $Size2 = abs($Line[3]-$Line[1]); if ($Size1>$Epsilon or $Size2>$Epsilon) { $LinesAffected++; my @NewLines; my @NewItems; for (my $Point=0;$Point<$#Points-1;$Point+=2) { my ($X1, $Y1, $X2, $Y2) = @Line; push @NewLines, my $NewLine = [ $X1+($X2-$X1)*$Points[$Point+0] + ($Y2-$Y1)*$Points[$Point+1], $Y1+($Y2-$Y1)*$Points[$Point+0] - ($X2-$X1)*$Points[$Point+1], $X1+($X2-$X1)*$Points[$Point+2] + ($Y2-$Y1)*$Points[$Point+3], $Y1+($Y2-$Y1)*$Points[$Point+2] - ($X2-$X1)*$Points[$Point+3] ]; push @NewItems, $Canvas->Exists ? $Canvas->createLine( @$NewLine, '-fill' => $Colors[$Color] ) : exit; $Color += $ColorIncrement; } splice(@Lines,$Line,1,@NewLines); splice(@LineItems,$Line,1,@NewItems); $Line += $#NewLines; } else { $LineItems[$Line] = $Canvas->Exists ? $Canvas->createLine( @Line, '-fill' => $Colors[$Color] ) : exit; $Color += $ColorIncrement * (@Points/2 - 1); } $Main->Exists ? $Main->update : exit; } $Main->Exists ? $Main->update : exit; last unless $LinesAffected; select(undef,undef,undef,$Delay); # (A cute idiom for hires sleep) } $Status = "Done."; MainLoop; #### __END__ ( 0, 0), ( 50, 29), ( 50, -29), (100, 0), ( 0, 0), ( 50, 0), ( 50, 50), ( 50, 0), (100, 0), ( 0, 0), ( 30, 0), ( 50, 30), ( 70, 0), (100, 0),