my $life = new life: 20; #### loop { $life.display() } #### class life { has Int $.count; has Int $.max; has Array of Bit @.grid; #### method BUILD(Int $dim) #### { $.count = 0; $.max = $dimension-1; my Array of Bit @grid is dim($dim,$dim) is default(0); #### @grid[$dim / 2 - 1][$dim / 2 ] = 1; @grid[$dim / 2 - 1][$dim / 2 + 1] = 1; @grid[$dim / 2 ][$dim / 2 ] = 1; @grid[$dim / 2 ][$dim / 2 - 1] = 1; @grid[$dim / 2 + 1][$dim / 2 ] = 1; @.grid := @grid; #### } sub iterate (&block) #### { for 0..$.max -> $x #### { for 0..$.max -> $y { block($x,$y); } } } method calculate() is private { my @newgrid; iterate { my $live = sum(@.grid[$^x-1..$^x+1][$^y-1..$^y+1]); @newgrid[$^x][$^y] = $live==2 && @.grid[$^x][$^y] || $live==3; } #### @.grid = @newgrid; } method display { iterate { print $.grid[$^x][$^y] ?? '+' :: '.'; print "\n" if $^x == $.max; } print "\n"; print "Turn $(++$.count), press enter to continue or ctl-c to quit; <$*IN>; #### .calculate(); } }