package Seen; use strict; use warnings; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK); use Carp; require Exporter; @ISA = qw(Exporter AutoLoader); @EXPORT = qw(); $VERSION = '0.01'; # Set us up the bomb sub new { my $class = shift; my %args = @_; return bless \%args, $class; } # Start things up # Check for existing seen log # Load seen info from file if possible sub _load { my $self = shift; my %seen = (); # Load seen info from previous session. if ( -e $self->{'file'} ) { open( FILE, $self->{'file'} ) || croak "Cannot Open $self->{'file'}!"; %seen = map { chomp; split /\|/; } ; close(FILE) || croak "Cannot Close $self->{'file'}!"; } return %seen; } # Dump seen info into file sub logSeen { my ( $self, $who, $message ) = @_; my %seen = $self->_load(); $who =~ s/\|//g; # So we don't confuse things :) $message =~ s/\|//g; # Ditto $seen{$who} = $message . " on " . scalar(localtime); open( FILE, ">>$self->{'file'}" ) || croak "Cannot Open $self->{'file'}!"; print FILE "$who|$seen{$who}\n"; close(FILE) || croak "Cannot Close $self->{'file'}!"; } # Recieves list of names from your script # to load current channel users. # Look at the pod for more info. sub loadCurrent { my $self = shift; my %seen = $self->_load(); my $names = shift; my @names = split ( / /, $names ); open( FILE, ">>$self->{'file'}" ) || croak "Cannot Open $self->{'file'}!"; foreach my $name (@names) { $name =~ s/@//; $name =~ s/\|//g; $seen{$name} = "On channel as of " . scalar(localtime); print FILE "$name|$seen{$name}\n"; } close(FILE) || croak "Cannot Close $self->{'file'}!"; } # Got a seen request, handle it. sub getSeen { my $self = shift; my $nick = shift; my %seen = $self->_load(); $nick =~ s/\|//g; my $nick1 = $nick; if ( defined $seen{$nick} ) { $nick =~ s//\|/g; $seen{$nick1} =~ s//\|/g; return "Saw $nick $seen{$nick1}"; } else { $nick =~ s//\|/g; return "Haven't Seen $nick"; } } # Clear logfile of unwanted seen data sub clearLog { my $self = shift; unlink( $self->{'file'} ) || croak "Cannot Unlink $self->{'file'}!"; } sub DESTROY { } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME - A module for handling seen requests on IRC. =head1 SYNOPSIS use Seen; my $seen = Seen->new( file => '/path/to/seen.log' ); # later on... # Log join event, assuming Poe::Component::IRC use.. sub on_join { my ( $kernel, $who, $where ) = @_[ KERNEL, ARG0, ARG1 ]; my $nick = ( split /!/, $who )[0]; # Do Stuff... $seen->logSeen( $nick, "Joining $where" ); } =head1 DESCRIPTION Provides seen functionality for an IRC bot. =head1 METHODS =over 4 =item 1 B takes two arguments, stores info into a hash, and logs to file specified when creating the new object. Returns nothing. Use like so: $seen->logSeen( $nick, $msg ); =item 2 B takes a nickname as an argument. Checks to see if it is defined in the hash and returns the results. Use like so: $seen->getSeen( $nick ); =item 3 B takes list from irc_353 (names command) as an argument and loads it into the hash, and logfile, so current users on the channel are seen. Use like so: $seen->loadCurrent( $names ); =item 4 B clears the currently loaded log file, takes no args. =back =head1 AUTHOR Benjamin Smith (DeFyance) =head1 SEE ALSO POE::Component::IRC =cut