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package B::Deobfuscate; use strict; use warnings; use vars '$VERSION'; use base 'B::Deparse'; use B (); use B::Keywords (); # Some functions may require() YAML $VERSION = '0.03'; sub load_keywords { my $self = shift; my $p = $self->{+__PACKAGE__}; return $p->{'keywords'} = { map { $_, undef } @B::Keywords::Barewords, # Snip the sigils. map(substr($_,1), @B::Keywords::Symbols) }; } sub load_unknown_dict { my $self = shift; my $p = $self->{+__PACKAGE__}; my $dict_file = $p->{'unknown_dict_file'}; length $dict_file or return; my $dict_data; # slurp the entire dictionary at once open DICT, '<', $dict_file or die "Cannot open dictionary $dict_file: $!"; read DICT, $dict_data, -s DICT; close DICT or die "Cannot close $dict_file: $!"; my $k = $self->load_keywords; $p->{'unknown_dict_data'} = [ sort { length $a <=> length $b or $a cmp $b } grep { ! /\W/ and ! exists $k->{$_} } split /\n/, $dict_data ]; } sub next_short_dict_symbol { my $self = shift; my $p = $self->{+__PACKAGE__}; my $sym = shift @{ $p->{'unknown_dict_data'} }; push @{ $p->{'used_symbols'} }, $sym. return $sym; } sub next_long_dict_symbol { my $self = shift; my $p = $self->{+__PACKAGE__}; my $sym = pop @{ $p->{'unknown_dict_data'} }; push @{ $p->{'used_symbols'} }, $sym; return $sym; } sub load_user_config { my $self = shift; my $p = $self->{+__PACKAGE__}; my $config_file = $p->{'user_config'}; defined $config_file and length $config_file or return; -f $config_file or die "Configuration file $config_file doesn't ex +ist"; require YAML; my $config = (YAML::LoadFile( $config_file ))[0]; $p->{'globals_to_ignore'} = $config->{'globals_to_ignore'}; $p->{'pad_symbols'} = $config->{'lexicals'}; $p->{'gv_symbols'} = $config->{'globals'}; defined $config->{'dictionary'} and $p->{'unknown_dict_file'} = $config->{'dictionary'}; if (defined $config->{'global_regex'}) { my $r = $config->{'global_regex'}; $p->{'global_regex'} = qr/$r/; } # Symbols that are listed with an undef value actually # just aren't renamed at all. for my $symt_nym (qw/pad gv/) { my $symt = $p->{"${symt_nym}_symbols"}; for my $symt_key (keys %$symt) { not defined $symt->{$symt_key} and $symt->{$symt_key} = $symt_key; } } } sub gv_should_be_renamed { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; my $p = $self->{+__PACKAGE__}; my $k = $p->{'keywords'}; # Ignore keywords return if exists $k->{$name} or $name =~ m{\A[[:digit:]]\z}; if (exists $p->{'gv_symbols'}{$name} or $name =~ $p->{'gv_match'} ) { return 1; } return; } sub rename_pad { my $self = shift; my $p = $self->{+__PACKAGE__}; my $name = shift; $name =~ m{\A(\W+)} or die "Invalid pad variable name $name"; my $sigil = $1; my $dict = $p->{'pad_symbols'}; return $dict->{$name} if exists $dict->{$name}; $dict->{$name} = $name; return $dict->{$name} = lc $sigil . $self->next_short_dict_symbol; } sub rename_gv { my $self = shift; my $name = shift; my $p = $self->{+__PACKAGE__}; return $name unless $self->gv_should_be_renamed( $name ); my $dict = $p->{'gv_symbols'}; return $dict->{$name} if exists $dict->{$name}; return $dict->{$name} = ucfirst $self->next_long_dict_symbol; } sub new { my $class = shift; my $self = $class->SUPER::new( @_ ); my $p = $self->{+__PACKAGE__} = {}; $p->{'unknown_dict_file'} = '/usr/share/dict/stop'; $p->{'unknown_dict_data'} = undef; $p->{'user_config'} = undef; $p->{'gv_match'} = qw/\A[[:lower:][:digit:]_]+\z/; $p->{'pad_symbols'} = {}; $p->{'gv_symbols'} = {}; $p->{'output_yaml'} = 0; while (my $arg = shift @_) { if ($arg =~ m{\A-d([^,]+)}) { $p->{'unknown_dict_file'} = $1; } elsif ($arg =~ m{\A-c([^,]+)} ) { $p->{'user_config'} = $1; } elsif ($arg =~ m{\A-m/([^/]+)/} ) { $p->{'gv_match'} = $1; } elsif ($arg =~ m{\A-y}) { $p->{'output_yaml'} = 1; } } $self->load_user_config; $self->load_unknown_dict; return $self; } sub compile { my(@args) = @_; return sub { my $source = ''; my $self = B::Deobfuscate->new(@args); $self->stash_subs("main"); $self->{'curcv'} = B::main_cv; $self->walk_sub(B::main_cv, B::main_start); $source .= join '', $self->print_protos; @{$self->{'subs_todo'}} = sort {$a->[0] <=> $b->[0]} @{$self->{'subs_todo'}}; $source .= join '', $self->indent($self->deparse(B::main_root, + 0)), "\n" unless B::Deparse::null B::main_root ; my @text; while (scalar(@{$self->{'subs_todo'}})) { push @text, $self->next_todo; } $source .= join '', $self->indent(join("", @text)), "\n" if @t +ext; my $p = $self->{+__PACKAGE__}; my %dump = ( lexicals => $p->{'pad_symbols'}, globals => $p->{'gv_symbols'}, dictionary => $p->{'unknown_dict_file'}, global_regex => $p->{'gv_match'} ); if ($p->{'output_yaml'}) { require YAML; print YAML::Dump(\%dump, $source); } else { print $source; } } } sub padname { my $self = shift; my $padname = $self->SUPER::padname( @_ ); return $self->rename_pad( $padname ); } sub gv_name { my $self = shift; my $gv_name = $self->SUPER::gv_name( @_ ); return $self->rename_gv( $gv_name ); } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME B::Deobfuscate - Extension to B::Deparse for use in de-obfuscating sou +rce code =head1 SYNOPSIS perl -MO=Deobfuscate,-csynthetic.yml,-y =head1 DESCRIPTION B::Deobfuscate is a backend module for the Perl compiler that generate +s perl source code, based on the internal compiled structure that perl itself creates after parsing a program. It adds symbol renaming functions to +the B::Deparse module. An obfuscated program is already parsed and interpr +eted correctly by the B::Deparse program. Unfortunately, if the obfuscation involved variable renaming then the resulting program also has obfusca +ted symbols. This module takes the last step and fixes names like $z5223ed336 to be + a word from a dictionary. While the name still isn't meaningful it is at leas +t easier to distinguish and read. Here are two examples - one from B::Deparse a +nd one from B::Deobfuscate. After B::Deparse: if (@z6a703c020a) { (my($z5a5fa8125d, $zcc158ad3e0) = File::Temp::tempfile('UNLINK', + 1)); print($z5a5fa8125d "=over 8\n\n"); (print($z5a5fa8125d @z6a703c020a) or die((((q[Can't print ] . $z +cc158ad3e0) . ': ') . $!))); print($z5a5fa8125d "=back\n"); (close(*$z5a5fa8125d) or die((((q[Can't close ] . *$za5fa8125d) +. ': ' . $!))); (@z8374cc586e = $zcc158ad3e0); ($z9e5935eea4 = 1); } After B::Deobfuscate: if (@parenthesises) { (my($scrupulousity, $postprocesser) = File::Temp::tempfile('UNLI +NK', 1)); print($scrupulousity "=over 8\n\n"); (print($scrupulousity @parenthesises) or die((((q[Can't print ] +. $postprocesser) . ': ') . $!))); print($scrupulousity "=back\n"); (close(*$scrupulousity) or die((((q[Can't close ] . *$postproces +ser) . ': ') . $!))); (@interruptable = $postprocesser); ($propagandaist = 1); } You'll note that the only real difference is that instead of variable +names like $z9e5935eea4 you get $propagandist. Please note that this module is mainly new and untested code and is still under development, so it may change in the future. =head1 OPTIONS As with all compiler backend options, these must follow directly after the '-MO=Deobfuscate', separated by a comma but not any white space. All options defined in B::Deparse are supported here - see the B::Depa +rse documentation page to see what options are provided and how to use the +m. =over 4 =item B<-d>I<DICTIONARY> Normally B::Deobfuscate reads the dictionary file at /usr/share/dict/s +top. If you would like to specify a different dictionary follow the -d paramet +er with the path the file. The path may not have commas in it and only lines i +n the dictionary that do not match /\W/ will be used. The entire dictionary +will be loaded into memory at once. -d/usr/share/dict/stop =item B<-m>I<REGEX> Supply a different regular expression for deciding which symbols to re +name. The default value is /\A[[:lower:][:digit:]_]+\z/. Your expression mus +t be delimited by the '/' characters and you may not use that character wit +hin the expression. That shouldn't be an issue because '/' isn't valid in a sy +mbol name anyway. -a/\A[[:lower:][:digit:]_]+\z/ =item B<-y> print two B<YAML> documents to STDOUT instead of the deparsed source c +ode. The first document is a configuration document suitable for use with t +he B<-c> parameter. The second document is the deparsed source code. Use this f +eature to generate a configuration document for further, iterative reverse en +gineering. =item B<-c>I<FILENAME> Supply a filename to a B<YAML> configuration file. Normally you would +generate this file by saving the results of the B<-y> parameter to a file. You can t +hen edit the file to provide your own names for symbols and not rely on the random +symbol picker in B<B::Deobfuscate>. You may create your own B<YAML> configuration fi +le as well. =back =head1 CONFIGURATION FILE The B::Deobfuscation symbol renamer can be controlled with by a config +uration file. Use of this feature requires the L<YAML> module be installed. dictionary: '/usr/share/dict/propernames' global_regex: '(?:)' globals: kSDsfDS: Slartibartfast HGFdsfds: Triantaphyllos lexicals: '$SdfSd': '$No' '$GsdDd': '$Ed' '$Ksdfs': '$Ji' The following keys are recognized: =over 4 =item B<dictionary> This is a filename path to the operative dictionary. dictionary: /usr/share/dict/stop =item B<global_regex> This regular expression tests global symbols. Only symbols that match +this expression may be renamed. The default value is '\A[[:lower:][:digit:] +_]\z/. In perl, global symbols are independent of their sigil so the values b +eing tested are bare. Future versions of B::Deobfuscate may add the sigil t +o the symbol name. global_regex: '\A[[:lower:][:digit:]_]\z' =item B<globals> This is a hash detailing symbol names as used in the original source a +nd the name used in the deobfuscated source. For example - if the original so +urce has a variable named @z12345 and you wish to rename all occurrances to + @URLList then the hash would associate 'z12345' with 'URLList'. The di +ctionary picker fills these values in automatically. If you wish to prevent B::Deobfuscate from renaming a symbol then spec +ify the new value as '~' (which in YAML terms is undef). globals: catfile: ~ opt_n: ~ opt_t: ~ opt_u: ~ z1234567890: Postprocesser z2345678901: Constructable z3456789012: Photosynthesises z4567890123: Undiscriminate z5678901234: Parenthesises z6789012345: Animadvertion =item B<lexicals> Lexicals is a hash exactly like `globals' except that all the symbol n +ames include the sigil which doesn't currently happen for globals. lexicals: '$k1234567890': '$ivs' '$k2345678901': '$ehs' '$k3456789012': '$ans' '$k4567890123': '$ons' '$k5678901234': '$ofs' '$k6789012345': '$gos' '$k7890123456': '$dus' '$k8901234567': '$iis' '$k9012345678': '$ats' '$k0123456780': '$ets' =back =head1 AUTHOR Joshua b. Jore <> =head1 SEE ALSO L<B::Deparse> L<> L<> =cut

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