## most of original code omitted for space ## commented out eval #eval($n); ## print instead #print "$n\n"; ## the string itself #my$X;$x=~s/\s+//g;while($x=~m/(^.{8})/s){$X=$X.chr(unpack("N",pack("B*",sprintf("%032d",$1))));$x=~s/^.{8}//s;}eval($X); ## after perltidy my $X; $x =~ s/\s+//g; while ( $x =~ m/(^.{8})/s ) { $X = $X . chr( unpack( "N", pack( "B*", sprintf( "%032d", $1 ) ) ) ); $x =~ s/^.{8}//s; } ## commented out eval #eval($X); ## print instead #print "$X\n"; ## the string itself, minus a bunch of trailing newlines #!/usr/bin;?erl -w #use strict;use Tk;my $w=new MainWindow;my $quit=$w->Button(-text=> 'Just Another Perl Hacker', # -command => sub{exit})->pack(); #&MainLoop; ## after perltidy #!/usr/bin;?erl -w use strict; use Tk; my $w = new MainWindow; my $quit = $w->Button( -text => 'Just Another Perl Hacker', -command => sub { exit } )->pack(); &MainLoop;