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Re: searching for an object reference

by simonm (Vicar)
on Jul 05, 2005 at 18:10 UTC ( [id://472549]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to searching for an object reference

Updated: minor code changes and test harness added.
sub deep_search { my $target = shift; my $test = shift; # Avoid infinite loops by maintaining map of objects encountered local %SearchCache = ( undef => undef ) unless ( exists $SearchCache +{undef} ); return if ( $SearchCache{ $target } ++ ); # Determine data type of unblessed reference or blessed object my $ref = ref( $target ); if ( "$target" =~ /^\Q$ref\E\=([A-Z]+)\(0x[0-9a-f]+\)$/ ) { $ref = $ +1 } ( $test->( $target ) ? $target : () ), ( map { deep_search($_, $test) } grep { ref($_) } ( ($ref eq 'HASH') ? values %$target : ($ref eq 'ARRAY') ? @$target : ($ref eq 'REF' or $ref eq 'SCALAR') ? $$target : () ) ) } my $struct = { foo => bless( [ 0, 1, 2 ], 'Foo' ), bar => bless( [ 3, 4, 5 ], 'Bar' ), foozles => [ { foolish => bless( [ 6, 7, 8 ], 'Foo' ), } ], }; print join '', map "$_\n", deep_search( $struct, sub { ref( $_[0] ) eq + 'Foo' } )

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Re^2: searching for an object reference
by Mostly Harmless (Initiate) on Jul 06, 2005 at 08:08 UTC
    Thanks. I ended up writing a Data::ObjSearch yes'day. However, your's look simpler. I didn't know about 'REF' and didn't handle it. Otherwise it looks similar:
    package Data::ObjSearch; use strict; use Carp; sub new { my ($class, $sub) = @_; my $self = bless({}, $class); if (ref($sub) eq 'CODE') { $self->{sub} = $sub; } elsif ($sub and !ref($sub)) { $self->{sub} = sub { return UNIVERSAL::isa($_[0], $sub); }; } else { croak "Pass a subroutine reference or package name.\n"; } $self->{records} = []; $self->{seen} = {}; return $self; } sub search { my ($class, $ref, $sub) = @_; my $self = ref($class) ? $class : $class->new($sub); $self->analyze($ref); return @{$self->{records}}; } sub analyze { my ($self, $data) = @_; my $ref = ref($data); return if (!$ref); my ($pack, $type, $id) = $data =~ /^(?:(.*)\=)?([^=]*)\(([^\(]*)\)$/ +; return if ($id && $self->{seen}->{$id}); $pack && ($self->check_and_push($data), $ref = $type); $id && ($self->{seen}->{$id} = 1); if ($ref eq 'HASH') { while (my ($key, $val) = each %{$data}) { $self->analyze($val); +} } elsif ($ref eq 'ARRAY') { map { $self->analyze($_) } @$data; } elsif ($ref eq 'SCALAR') { map { $self->analyze($_) } $$data; } } sub check_and_push { my ($self, $data) = @_; push(@{$self->{records}}, $data) if $self->{sub}->($data); } 1;
    I was thinking of uploading it to CPAN to avoid maintaining too generic code with our application codebase.
      Unless you have some expectaton of subclassing this, the object orientation seems like overkill.

      Also, for general purpose use, UNIVERSAL is probably better than the stringification/regex approach, as it plays better with string overloading.

      A further speed improvement can be gained by using list processing to avoid recursive calling:

      use strict; use UNIVERSAL 'isa'; sub deep_grep (&@) { my $test = shift; my ( @results, %seen ); while ( scalar @_ ) { my $target = shift @_; push @results, grep $test->( $_ ), $target; unshift @_, $seen{$target} ++ ? () : isa($target, 'HASH') ? values %$target : isa($target, 'ARRAY') ? @$target : isa($target, 'REF') ? $$target : isa($target, 'SCALAR') ? $$target : (); } return @results; }

      The prototype allows you to call it blockwise, like the builtin grep, but isn't needed:

      my @loggers = deep_grep( sub { isa( $_, 'Log' ) }, $target ); my @loggers = deep_grep { isa( $_, 'Log' ) } $target;

        A further level of abstraction and optimization can be provided by custom-compiling a subroutine optimized to perform the necessary task:
        use strict; use UNIVERSAL 'isa'; sub build_deep_sub { my %options = @_; my $sub = q/ sub / . ( $options{proto} ? "($options{proto})" : '' ) +. q/ { / . ( $options{init} ) . q/ my ( @results, %seen ); while ( scalar @_ ) { my $target = shift; / . ( $options{guard} ? "next unless grep { $options{guard} } \$ +target;" : "" ) . q/ push @results, / . ( $options{map} ) . q/ $target; / . ( $options{post_order} ? 'push' : 'unshift' ) . q/ @_, / . ( $options{guard} ? " grep { $options{guard} }" : "" ) . q/ $seen{$target} ++ ? () : isa($target, 'HASH') ? %$target : isa($target, 'ARRAY') ? @$target : isa($target, 'REF') ? $$target : isa($target, 'SCALAR') ? $$target : (); } @results; } /; eval $sub or die "$@: $sub"; } my $type_search = build_deep_sub( init => 'my $type = shift;', map => +'grep isa( $_, $type ), ', guard => 'ref($_)' ); my @loggers = $type_search->( 'Log', $target );

        The speed improvement of eliminating a round of subroutine calls will outway the one-time cost of the string eval unless your data structure to be searched is very small.

        A library based on this approach could pre-generate a number of generally useful subroutines:

        *{'deep_walk'} = build_deep_sub(); *{'deep_map'} = build_deep_sub( init => 'my $test = shift;', map => +'map $test->($_),' ); *{'deep_grep'} = build_deep_sub( init => 'my $test = shift;', map => + 'grep $test->($_),' ); *{'deep_grep_refs'} = build_deep_sub( init => 'my $test = shift;', m +ap => 'grep $test->($_),', guard => 'ref($_)' ); *{'deep_grep_type'} = build_deep_sub( init => 'my $type = shift;', m +ap => 'grep isa( $_, $type ), ', guard => 'ref($_)' );

        (For what it's worth, the prototypes generated above don't seem to be quite right, but I'm sure that could be figured out with a bit of experimentation.)

Re^2: searching for an object reference
by pemungkah (Priest) on Jul 06, 2005 at 01:20 UTC
    Perhaps you might want to attack this from the other end. Instead of deep-searching to find references to the class, just dynamically update the log class to point where you want, overriding only the critical methods:
    package Log; sub new { my ($class) = shift; bless {}, $class; } sub write { print "write old\n"; } sub open { print "open old\n"; } sub close { print "close old\n"; } 1; package NewLog; sub import { for my $sub (qw(new write open)) { no strict 'refs'; *{'Log::'.$sub} = *{'NewLog::'.$sub}; } } sub new { my ($class) = shift; bless {}, $class; } sub write { print "write new\n"; } sub open { print "open new\n"; } 1; use Log; use NewLog; my $log = new Log; $log->open; $log->write; $log->close;
    If you run this, you'll see the following output:
    open new write new close old
    Note that open and write are overridden, and close is not. This incurs less overhead if you've got a lot of Log objects, or if your objects using them are very deeply nested.
      Thanks, that's a good idea. However I can't use it in my case, as there are too many methods in to override - they all use couple of instance variables, which should have new values. Ideally this would work for me:
      package Redirector; my $new_obj; # Redirect all methods calls of object A to object B. sub redirect { my $new_obj = shift; my @methods = @_ || 'all'; <instrument the methods so that Redirector::foo is called instead of old_obj::foo> } sub print { my $real_obj = shift; # Conveniently switch the object. $new_obj->print(@_); }
      The issue with the above is keeping track of $new_obj. This needs to be a package variable, and the class itself has to be a singleton - unless a hash with package names as keys. Any ideas ? For now, deepcopying looks the simplest solution to me, as the data to be traversed is small in size. But I think your idea can be generalized to a Redirector CPAN module !

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