Category: GUI Programming
Author/Contact Info
Description: This is a visual grep written using Perl/Gtk2. It uses File::Find to search for keywords, then displays results for easy "copy&pasting". I use it as a snippet browser, when I'm looking for code snippets in my library, but only remember a keyword to search for. Here is a screenshot The theme I'm using is at Z-theme

UpDATED: Jan20,2006 A small bugfix and code cleanup

Updated Jun 27,2012 Added unicode character support with the utf8::all module. Comment out these changes if you run into difficulties with too many utf8 errors. I also added a decode routine for input strings on the commandline. I havn't tested this extensively yet, but you should be able to pass in a unicode string as ARGV[0] and search for it. Also added -CS perlrun options. For instance you should now be able to run vgrep 'the œ character' and it should decode œ properly. Also I added a hack to the File::Find sub to find filenames with extended characters in them. So vgrep n zzœzz will find a file with that extended character string in its filename.

Updated again: Jun30, 2012. I cleaned up decoding of @ARGV, so that all inputs are decoded to unicode. I also fixed a little bug where filenames were being double-decoded as unicode and throwing a warning.

Updated again: Jul 01, 2012. This is becoming a little tutorial in unicode hacking. :-) Anyways, this update fixes an obscure bug with the interaction of Gtk2 and utf8::all. It all centers around why I needed to still manually decode @ARGV, even though the utf8::all module does this. As it turns out, from just experimentation, is that the use utf8::all line must come AFTER the GTk2 module declarations. WHY? Don't know. The result of this change allows me to remove the manual decoding of @ARGV, as well as the removal of the -CS perlrun option. This bug was finally fixed in the Glib source code.

Updated 27 Feb 2013: Fixed a small bug where binaries, like pdf's, were not found while doing a name search.

use warnings;
use strict;

# use utf8::all;   # this must come AFTER the Gtk2 module declarations

use File::Find;
use Gtk2 -init;
use Glib qw(FALSE TRUE);
use Gtk2::Pango;
use Encode qw(decode);
use utf8::all;  # must come after Gtk2 modules


my $help;
while(<DATA>){$help .= $_}

my $seeking = 0; #global flag to indicate searching is in progress
my $cancel = 0;  #global flag to cancel a long running search
my %files;       #global to store results
my $current;     #global to hold currently opened file
my ($recurse, $name, $case,$linenums,$quick_start) =(0,0,0,0,0);

#print "@ @ARGV\n"; # check raw input

# this is no longer needed after Jul 01 bugfix, see above.
# make sure the input string or filename is unicode decoded
# no matter which order the options are given
#foreach( @ARGV ){
#  print "$_\t";
#  $_ = decode('utf8', $_);
#  print "$_\n";

# remove options from @ARGV
if( grep{/\bn\b/} @ARGV ){@ARGV = grep { $_ ne 'n' } @ARGV; $name = 1 
if( grep{/\br\b/} @ARGV ){@ARGV = grep { $_ ne 'r' } @ARGV; $recurse =
+ 1 };
if( grep{/\bc\b/} @ARGV ){@ARGV = grep { $_ ne 'c' } @ARGV; $case = 1 

$linenums = 1; #opened file line numbering is on by default if 1

my $search_str = $ARGV[0] or $quick_start = 1;
#only accept 1 search string, so quote phrases on commandline
$search_str ||= undef;

#print "$name $recurse $case @ARGV \n";

my $font = Gtk2::Pango::FontDescription->from_string("Sans Bold 18");
my $hand_cursor = Gtk2::Gdk::Cursor->new ('hand2');
my $regular_cursor = Gtk2::Gdk::Cursor->new ('xterm');
my $hovering_over_link = FALSE;

my $blue = Gtk2::Gdk::Color->new (0,0,0xFFFF);
my $red = Gtk2::Gdk::Color->new (0xFFFF,0xFFFF,0);
my $white = Gtk2::Gdk::Color->new (0xFFFF,0xFFFF,0xFFFF);

my $window = Gtk2::Window->new;
$window->signal_connect( destroy => sub { Gtk2->main_quit; } );
$window->set_default_size( 700, 600 );
$window->signal_connect (key_press_event => \&key_handler);

#main box for display
my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new();
$vbox->set( "border_width" => 10 );

#top main box for search entry and options
my $vboxt = Gtk2::VBox->new();
$vboxt->set( "border_width" => 1 );
$vbox->pack_start( $vboxt, 0, 0, 1 ); # expand?, fill?, padding

#top layer
my $hboxt = Gtk2::HBox->new();
$hboxt->set( "border_width" => 1 );
$vboxt->pack_start( $hboxt, 0, 0, 1 ); # expand?, fill?, padding
#bottom layer
my $hboxb = Gtk2::HBox->new();
$hboxb->set( "border_width" => 1 );
$vboxt->pack_start( $hboxb, 0, 0, 1 ); # expand?, fill?, padding

my $vboxC1 = Gtk2::VBox->new();
my $vboxC2 = Gtk2::VBox->new();

my $checkbutton1 = Gtk2::CheckButton->new('Recurse SubDirs');
$checkbutton1->signal_connect( clicked => 
               sub{check_button_callback($checkbutton1, \$recurse, 're
+curse') } );
$vboxC1->pack_start( $checkbutton1, 0, 0, 0 );

my $checkbutton2 = Gtk2::CheckButton->new('Name Search Only');
$checkbutton2->signal_connect( clicked => 
              sub{check_button_callback($checkbutton2, \$name , 'name'
$vboxC1->pack_start( $checkbutton2, 0, 0, 0 );

my $checkbutton3 = Gtk2::CheckButton->new('Case Sensitive');
$checkbutton3->signal_connect( clicked => 
             sub{check_button_callback($checkbutton3, \$case , 'case')
$vboxC2->pack_start( $checkbutton3, 0, 0, 0 );

my $checkbutton4 = Gtk2::CheckButton->new('File Line Numbered');
$checkbutton4->signal_connect( clicked => 
             sub{check_button_callback($checkbutton4, \$linenums , 'li
$vboxC2->pack_start( $checkbutton4, 0, 0, 0 );

$hboxt->pack_start( $vboxC1, 0, 0, 0 );
$hboxt->pack_start( $vboxC2, 0, 0, 0 );

# the search button
my $sbutton = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('gtk-find');
$sbutton->signal_connect( clicked => sub{ if(! $seeking){ do_dir_searc
+h()} });
$hboxt->pack_start( $sbutton, 0, 0, 5 );
# exit button
my $ebutton = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('gtk-quit');
$ebutton->signal_connect( clicked => sub { Gtk2->main_quit; } );
$hboxt->pack_end( $ebutton, 0, 0, 5 );
# the help button
my $hbutton = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('gtk-help');
$hbutton->signal_connect( clicked => \&print_usage );
$hboxt->pack_end( $hbutton, 0, 0, 5 );

#bottom fields
my $label = Gtk2::Label->new('Search Text:');
$hboxb->pack_start( $label, 0, 0, 5 ); # expand?, fill?, padding

my $entry = Gtk2::Entry->new();

if(defined $search_str){ $entry->set_text($search_str) }

$hboxb->pack_start( $entry, 1, 1, 1 ); # expand?, fill?, padding

#setup default focaus chain
$vboxt->set_focus_child ($hboxb); 
$hboxb->set_focus_child ($entry);  

$entry->signal_connect (key_press_event => \&key_handler);

#box for list
my $hbox1 = Gtk2::HBox->new();
$hbox1->set( "border_width" => 1 );
#box for textview
my $hbox2 = Gtk2::HBox->new();
$hbox2->set( "border_width" => 1 );


my $f1_label = Gtk2::Label->new('Search Results');
my $frame1 = Gtk2::Frame->new();
$vbox->pack_start( $frame1, 1, 1, 1 ); # expand?, fill?, padding
$frame1->modify_bg('normal', $red); 

my $f2_label = Gtk2::Label->new('File');
my $frame2 = Gtk2::Frame->new();
$vbox->pack_start( $frame2, 1, 1, 1 ); # expand?, fill?, padding
$frame2->modify_bg('normal', $blue); 

# Create a textbuffer to contain the resultant files
my $textbuffer0 = Gtk2::TextBuffer->new();

$textbuffer0->apply_tag_by_name ('bold',$textbuffer0->get_start_iter,$

# Create a textview using that textbuffer
my $textview0 = Gtk2::TextView->new_with_buffer($textbuffer0);
$textview0->set_left_margin (5);

$textview0->signal_connect (event_after => \&event_after);
$textview0->signal_connect (motion_notify_event => \&motion_notify_eve

my $swl = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow -> new();
$swl -> add_with_viewport($textview0);

# Create a textbuffer to contain the opened files
my $textbuffer = Gtk2::TextBuffer->new();

$textbuffer->apply_tag_by_name ('bold',$textbuffer->get_start_iter,$te

# Create a textview using that textbuffer
my $textview = Gtk2::TextView->new_with_buffer($textbuffer);
$textview->set_left_margin (5);

# Add the textview to a scrolledwindow
my $scrolledwindow = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new( undef, undef );

# add that scrolledwindow to the vbox

#setup a control-c exit----------
my @accels = (
    { key => 'C', mod => 'control-mask', func => sub{ Gtk2->main_quit 
+} },

my $accel_group = Gtk2::AccelGroup->new;
use Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms;
      foreach my $a (@accels) {
    $accel_group->connect ($Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{$a->{key}}, $a->{mod},
                       'visible', $a->{func});
$window->add_accel_group ($accel_group);       

if( $quick_start == 0){
 Glib::Timeout->add (10, sub { do_dir_search(); 0 }); 

sub do_file_search{

  my $file = shift;
  if( ! defined $file ){return}
  my @lines = ();

    foreach my $aref( @{$files{$file}} ){
           push @lines, $$aref[0];

  open (FH,"< $file");
     my $line = $.;
       my $lineI = sprintf "%03d", $line;
       $textbuffer->insert_with_tags_by_name ($textbuffer->get_end_ite
+r, $lineI, 'rmap');
       $textbuffer->insert ($textbuffer->get_end_iter, ' ');

    if( grep {/^$line$/} @lines ){
           $textbuffer->insert_with_tags_by_name ($textbuffer->get_end
+_iter, $_, 'rmapZ');
          $textbuffer->insert_with_tags_by_name ($textbuffer->get_end_
+iter, $_, 'bold');
 close FH;

#set up where to scroll to when opening file
 my $first;
 $lines[0] ||= 0;
 if ( $lines[0] > 0 ){ $first = $lines[0] }else{$first = 1} 
 my $start_iter = $textbuffer->get_iter_at_line($first);

my $start_mark = $textbuffer->create_mark('start', $start_iter, 1);
$textview->scroll_to_mark($start_mark ,0.0, 0, 0, 0.0);

#set frame label to file name 

$current = $file; 
sub do_dir_search{

#prevent accidental double enter's or double find button presses 
$seeking = 1;
$cancel = 0;

#clear old screens

#clear old results
%files = ();

$f1_label->set_text('Search Results');

# defaults are case-insensitive, no recurse, open and search files (no
+t filename) 
my $path = '.';

$search_str = $entry->get_text();
if( ! length $search_str){$seeking = 0; $cancel = 0; return} 

my $regex;  #defaults to case insensitive
if ($case){$regex =  qr/\Q$search_str\E/}
      else{$regex =  qr/\Q$search_str\E/i}
# use s modifier for multiline match

my $count = 0;
my $count1 = 0;

find (sub { 
      if( $cancel ){ return $File::Find::prune = 1}
      if( ! $recurse ){
      my $n = ($File::Find::name) =~ tr!/!!; #count slashes in file
      return $File::Find::prune = 1 if ($n > 1);
     return if -d;
     # bugfix: the following return should be further below
     # if here, it won't find names of binaries, like pdf's
     # return unless (-f and -T );

    # make it unicode aware for filenames
    my $file = decode('utf8',$_);
    $File::Find::name = $file;


           # $file will match, $_ will not
           if ($file =~ /$regex/){
              push @{$files{$File::Find::name}}, [-1,'']; #push into H
           # print "$file $regex match\n";

        # don't open and search binaries        
          return unless (-f and -T );

         open (FH,"< $_");
               if ($_ =~ /$regex/){ 
               chomp $_;
                   push @{$files{$File::Find::name}}, [$., $_]; #push 
+into HoA
     close FH;
        my $key = $File::Find::name;
#        print "key $key\n";
        if( defined  $files{$key} ){
           my $aref = $files{$key};
       my @larray = @$aref;
           insert_link ($textbuffer0, $key );
         foreach my $aref(@larray){
        if( $$aref[0] > 0 ){  #don't do for name searches, which are -
           #add line number with color
                  my $lineI = sprintf"%03d", $$aref[0];    
               #add matching line
       $f1_label->set_text("$count1 checked -- $count matches .. Space
+Bar cancels");
       Gtk2->main_iteration while Gtk2->events_pending;
  }, $path);
     $f1_label->set_text("$count matches DONE");
     $seeking = 0;
     $cancel = 0;
     Gtk2->main_iteration while Gtk2->events_pending;
sub insert_link {
  my ($buffer, $file ) = @_;
  #create tag here independently, so we can piggyback unique data
  my $tag = $buffer->create_tag (undef, 
                 foreground => "blue", 
                 underline => 'single',
                 size   => 20 * PANGO_SCALE
# piggyback data onto each tag
  $tag->{file} = $file;
  $buffer->insert_with_tags ($textbuffer0->get_end_iter, $file, $tag);
  #print "$file  file\n";
# Looks at all tags covering the position of iter in the text view, 
# and if one of them is a link, follow it by showing the page identifi
# by the data attached to it.
sub follow_if_link {
  my ($text_view, $iter) = @_;
      my $tag = $iter->get_tags;
      my $file = $tag->{file};
# Links can also be activated by clicking.
sub event_after {
  my ($text_view, $event) = @_;

  return FALSE unless $event->type eq 'button-release'; 
  return FALSE unless $event->button == 1;

  my $buffer = $text_view->get_buffer;

  # we shouldn't follow a link if the user has selected something
  my ($start, $end) = $buffer->get_selection_bounds;
  return FALSE if defined $end
                  and $start->get_offset != $end->get_offset;

  my ($x, $y) = $text_view->window_to_buffer_coords ('widget', #GTK_TE
                                                     $event->x, $event

  my $iter = $text_view->get_iter_at_location ($x, $y);

  follow_if_link ($text_view, $iter);

  return FALSE;
# Looks at all tags covering the position (x, y) in the text view, 
# and if one of them is a link, change the cursor to the "hands" curso
# typically used by web browsers.
sub set_cursor_if_appropriate {
  my ($text_view, $x, $y) = @_;
  my $hovering = FALSE;

  my $buffer = $text_view->get_buffer;

  my $iter = $text_view->get_iter_at_location ($x, $y);
  foreach my $tag ($iter->get_tags) {
      if ($tag->{file}) {
          $hovering = TRUE;

  if ($hovering != $hovering_over_link)
      $hovering_over_link = $hovering;

      $text_view->get_window ('text')->set_cursor
              ($hovering_over_link ? $hand_cursor : $regular_cursor);
# Update the cursor image if the pointer moved. 
sub motion_notify_event {
  my ($text_view, $event) = @_;

  my ($x, $y) = $text_view->window_to_buffer_coords ( 
                                         'widget', #GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_WI
                                         $event->x, $event->y);

  set_cursor_if_appropriate ($text_view, $x, $y);

  return FALSE;

sub check_button_callback {
  my ($button,$ident,$name) = @_;

     if ($button->get_active) {
        # if control reaches here, the check button is down
         $$ident = 1;
     } else {
        # if control reaches here, the check button is up
         $$ident = 0;

  #reload current file with(or without) linenums
  #useful when copying for pasting to other apps
  if( $name eq 'linenums' ){ do_file_search($current) } 

sub create_tags{
  my $buffer = shift; 

   $buffer->create_tag( "italic", style  => 'italic' );
   $buffer->create_tag( "bold",   weight => PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD );
   $buffer->create_tag( "big",    size   => 20 * PANGO_SCALE );
   # points times the PANGO_SCALE factor
   $buffer->create_tag( "x-large", scale  => PANGO_SCALE_X_LARGE );

   my $gray25_bits = pack 'CC', 0x02, 0x01, 0x01;
   my $stipple = Gtk2::Gdk::Bitmap->create_from_data( undef, $gray25_b
+its, 3, 3);

   $buffer->create_tag( "background_stipple", background_stipple => $s
+tipple );

          background => 'red',
          background_stipple => $stipple , 
      weight => PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD,

          background => 'red',
          background_stipple => $stipple , 
      scale => PANGO_SCALE_X_LARGE,

           foreground => 'red',
           weight => PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD,
       size   => 15 * PANGO_SCALE

           background => 'blue',

sub key_handler {
my ($widget, $event) = @_;
    # match the keyval --- in general you don't want to use magic
    # numbers here, use values from %Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms instead.

    if (($seeking) && ($event->keyval == 32)) {  #detect spacebar hit 
+to cancel search 
       $cancel = 1;       
       $seeking = 0;
       return TRUE;  # tell the system we handled this

    if ($event->keyval == 65293) {  #detect Enter press
       do_dir_search() unless $seeking;
       return TRUE;  # tell the system we handled this

return FALSE;  # tell the system we did not handle this
sub print_usage{
# -- takes a single string ( or 1 quoted multiword string) on the comm
+and line to search for
# -- you can give options n r c, separately on the commandline, in any
+ order
# -- n ->search filenames only for the string, not the file contents
# -- r ->recurse into sub directories 
# -- c ->case sensitive 
# Will open with no options or search string, in empty mode.

# Found files, will be displayed as blue underlined hyperlinks.
# Under each link, will be the line numbers and matched lines. 
# Clicking blue links will open the file, and all matched lines will
# be displayed in red text.

#  Control-c from anywhere will kill the program.
#  SpaceBar cancels a long search

#  Multi-word search strings on the command line should be
#  single quoted.
#  Search strings entered in the entry box, do not need quotes  
#  and will be submitted by an enter keypress, or the find button.

#  The line numbering can be turned off for copying and pasting from
#  the opened files. A right click in the lower textbox, will open
#  the textbox menu for Copying to the Clipboard for pasting with
#  the paste options from other apps (Control-v). Otherwise, the selec
#  text is only in the mouse clipboard buffer.
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Gtk2 Visual Grep
by svenXY (Deacon) on Jan 20, 2006 at 10:15 UTC
    great, thanks zentara++ !
    Added it to my standard tools!
      Hi, I fixed a small bug which locks up the search when entering empty search strings; plus removed some useless subs. Please download again.

      I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth. flash japh
        thanks again. The following patch adds capability of searching with regexes (I get some utf8 errors, but it works. Do you happen to know how to fix them?):
        18c18 < my ($recurse, $name, $case,$linenums,$quick_start) =(0,0,0,0,0); --- > my ($recurse, $name, $case,$linenums,$quick_start, $use_regex) =(0,0 +,0,0,0); 21a22 > if( grep{/\bR\b/} @ARGV ){@ARGV = grep { $_ ne 'R' } @ARGV; $use_reg +ex = 1 }; 64a66 > my $vboxC3 = Gtk2::VBox->new(); 83a86,91 > my $checkbutton5 = Gtk2::CheckButton->new('Use RegEx'); > $checkbutton5->signal_connect( clicked => > sub{check_button_callback($checkbutton5, \$use_regex , +'use_regex')}); > $vboxC2->pack_start( $checkbutton5, 0, 0, 0 ); > > if($case){$checkbutton5->set_active(1);} 87c95 < $vboxC2->pack_start( $checkbutton4, 0, 0, 0 ); --- > $vboxC3->pack_start( $checkbutton4, 0, 0, 0 ); 91a100 > $hboxt->pack_start( $vboxC3, 0, 0, 0 ); 284,285c293,307 < if ($case){$regex = qr/\Q$search_str\E/} < else{$regex = qr/\Q$search_str\E/i} --- > if ($case){ > if ($use_regex) { > $regex = qr/$search_str/; > } > else { > $regex = qr/\Q$search_str\E/} > } > else { > if ($use_regex) { > $regex = qr/$search_str/i; > } > else { > $regex = qr/\Q$search_str\E/i; > } > }

Re: Gtk2 Visual Grep
by chanio (Priest) on Mar 02, 2007 at 23:07 UTC
    Indeed, a nice tool!

    As I am planning to use it intensively...

    Here is a more friendlier-polished version!

    This version accepts a final argument of a directory to search. It displays it as the title of the windows. The windows, takes the focus at the begining.

    Besides some insignificant details, it has an improved help message. And better colors.

    This good code, has also helped me a lot to practice with Gtk2.

    use warnings; use strict; use File::Find; use Gtk2 -init; use Glib qw(FALSE TRUE); use Gtk2::Pango; $|++; my $VERSION='1.01'; my $help; while(<DATA>){$help .= $_} my $seeking = 0; #global flag to indicate searching is in progress my $cancel = 0; #global flag to cancel a long running search my %files; #global to store results my $current; #global to hold currently opened file #> my ($recurse, $name, $case,$linenums,$quick_start) =(0,0,0,0,0); my ($recurse, $name, $case,$linenums,$quick_start, $use_regex) =(0,0,0 +,0,0); ##< patch ## ACTIVATE FLAGS AND ERASE THEM FROM @ARGV... if( grep{/\bn\b/} @ARGV ){@ARGV = grep { $_ ne 'n' } @ARGV; $name = 1 +}; if( grep{/\br\b/} @ARGV ){@ARGV = grep { $_ ne 'r' } @ARGV; $recurse = + 1 }; if( grep{/\bR\b/} @ARGV ){@ARGV = grep { $_ ne 'R' } @ARGV; $use_regex + = 1 }; ##<patch if( grep{/\bc\b/} @ARGV ){@ARGV = grep { $_ ne 'c' } @ARGV; $case = 1 +}; $linenums = 1; #opened file line numbering is on by default my $search_str = $ARGV[0] or $quick_start = 1; $search_str ||= undef; my $startdir= $ARGV[1]; ## OPTIONAL DIR FOR SEARCH... chdir($startdir) if (defined($startdir) and -d $startdir); #only accept 1 search string, so quote phrases on commandline #print "$name $recurse $case @ARGV\n"; my $font = Gtk2::Pango::FontDescription->from_string("Sans Bold 18 +"); my $fontMono = Gtk2::Pango::FontDescription->from_string("Andale Mono +Bold 10");##< my fault my $hand_cursor = Gtk2::Gdk::Cursor->new ('hand2'); my $regular_cursor = Gtk2::Gdk::Cursor->new ('xterm'); my $hovering_over_link = FALSE; my $blue = Gtk2::Gdk::Color->new (0,0,0xFFFF); my $navy = Gtk2::Gdk::Color->new (0,0,0x8888); ##< my fau +lt my $red = Gtk2::Gdk::Color->new (0x8888,0,0); ##< my fau +lt my $yell = Gtk2::Gdk::Color->new (0xFFFF,0xFFFF,0x8888); ##< my fau +lt my $white = Gtk2::Gdk::Color->new (0xFFFF,0xFFFF,0xFFFF); my $window = Gtk2::Window->new; $window->signal_connect( destroy => sub { Gtk2->main_quit; } ); $window->set_default_size( 700, 600 ); $window->set_title("[$0] $startdir") if ($startdir); $window->signal_connect (key_press_event => \&key_handler); $window->activate_focus; #main box for display my $vbox = Gtk2::VBox->new(); $vbox->set( "border_width" => 10 ); $window->add($vbox); #top main box for search entry and options my $vboxt = Gtk2::VBox->new(); $vboxt->set( "border_width" => 1 ); $vbox->pack_start( $vboxt, 0, 0, 1 ); # expand?, fill?, padding #top layer my $hboxt = Gtk2::HBox->new(); $hboxt->set( "border_width" => 1 ); $vboxt->pack_start( $hboxt, 0, 0, 1 ); # expand?, fill?, padding #bottom layer my $vboxC3 = Gtk2::VBox->new(); ##<patch my $hboxb = Gtk2::HBox->new(); $hboxb->set( "border_width" => 1 ); $vboxt->pack_start( $hboxb, 0, 0, 1 ); # expand?, fill?, padding ################################################################ my $vboxC1 = Gtk2::VBox->new(); my $vboxC2 = Gtk2::VBox->new(); my $checkbutton1 = Gtk2::CheckButton->new('Recurse SubDirs'); $checkbutton1->signal_connect( clicked => sub{check_button_callback($checkbutton1, \$recurse, 're +curse') } ); $vboxC1->pack_start( $checkbutton1, 0, 0, 0 ); if($recurse){$checkbutton1->set_active(1);} my $checkbutton2 = Gtk2::CheckButton->new('Name Search Only'); $checkbutton2->signal_connect( clicked => sub{check_button_callback($checkbutton2, \$name , 'name' +)}); $vboxC1->pack_start( $checkbutton2, 0, 0, 0 ); if($name){$checkbutton2->set_active(1);} + ## patch my $checkbutton5 = Gtk2::CheckButton->new('Use RegEx');##<------------ +--+ $checkbutton5->signal_connect( clicked => + # sub{check_button_callback($checkbutton5 +, # \$use_regex , + # patch 'use_regex')} +); # $vboxC2->pack_start( $checkbutton5, 0, 0, 0 ); + # + # if($case){$checkbutton5->set_active(1);} ##<------------ +--+ my $checkbutton3 = Gtk2::CheckButton->new('Case Sensitive'); $checkbutton3->signal_connect( clicked => sub{check_button_callback($checkbutton3, \$case , 'case') +}); $vboxC3->pack_start( $checkbutton3, 0, 0, 0 ); + ##< patch if($case){$checkbutton3->set_active(1);} my $checkbutton4 = Gtk2::CheckButton->new('File Line Numbered'); $checkbutton4->signal_connect( clicked => sub{check_button_callback($checkbutton4, \$linenums , 'li +nenums')}); $hboxt->pack_start( $vboxC3, 0, 0, 0 ); + ##< patch $vboxC2->pack_start( $checkbutton4, 0, 0, 0 ); if($linenums){$checkbutton4->set_active(1);} $hboxt->pack_start( $vboxC1, 0, 0, 0 ); $hboxt->pack_start( $vboxC2, 0, 0, 0 ); ################################################################# # the search button my $sbutton = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('gtk-find'); $sbutton->signal_connect( clicked => sub{ if(! $seeking){ do_dir_searc +h()} }); $hboxt->pack_start( $sbutton, 0, 0, 5 ); ############################################################## # exit button my $ebutton = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('gtk-quit'); $ebutton->signal_connect( clicked => sub { Gtk2->main_quit; } ); $hboxt->pack_end( $ebutton, 0, 0, 5 ); ################################################################# # the help button my $hbutton = Gtk2::Button->new_from_stock('gtk-help'); $hbutton->signal_connect( clicked => \&print_usage ); $hboxt->pack_end( $hbutton, 0, 0, 5 ); ################################################################## #bottom fields my $label = Gtk2::Label->new('Search Text:'); $label->modify_font($font); $hboxb->pack_start( $label, 0, 0, 5 ); # expand?, fill?, padding my $entry = Gtk2::Entry->new(); $entry->modify_font($font); if(defined $search_str){ $entry->set_text($search_str) } $hboxb->pack_start( $entry, 1, 1, 1 ); # expand?, fill?, padding #setup default focaus chain $vboxt->set_focus_child ($hboxb); $hboxb->set_focus_child ($entry); #$entry->has_focus(TRUE); $entry->signal_connect (key_press_event => \&key_handler); ################################################################# #box for list my $hbox1 = Gtk2::HBox->new(); $hbox1->set( "border_width" => 1 ); #box for textview my $hbox2 = Gtk2::HBox->new(); $hbox2->set( "border_width" => 1 ); #$hbox2->set_size_request(200,500); my $f1_label = Gtk2::Label->new('Search Results'); $f1_label->modify_fg('normal',$red); $f1_label->modify_font($font); my $frame1 = Gtk2::Frame->new(); $frame1->set_label_widget($f1_label); $vbox->pack_start( $frame1, 1, 1, 1 ); # expand?, fill?, padding $frame1->set_border_width(1); $frame1->add($hbox1); $frame1->modify_bg('normal', $red); my $f2_label = Gtk2::Label->new('File'); $f2_label->modify_fg('normal',$blue); $f2_label->modify_font($font); my $frame2 = Gtk2::Frame->new(); $frame2->set_label_widget($f2_label); $vbox->pack_start( $frame2, 1, 1, 1 ); # expand?, fill?, padding $frame2->set_border_width(1); $frame2->add($hbox2); $frame2->modify_bg('normal', $blue); # Create a textbuffer to contain the resultant files my $textbuffer0 = Gtk2::TextBuffer->new(); create_tags($textbuffer0); $textbuffer0->set_text(''); $textbuffer0->apply_tag_by_name ('bold',$textbuffer0->get_start_iter,$ +textbuffer0->get_end_iter); # Create a textview using that textbuffer my $textview0 = Gtk2::TextView->new_with_buffer($textbuffer0); $textview0->set_left_margin (5); $textview0->signal_connect (event_after => \&event_after); $textview0->signal_connect (motion_notify_event => \&motion_notify_eve +nt); my $swl = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow -> new(); $swl -> add_with_viewport($textview0); $hbox1->add($swl); ###################################################### # Create a textbuffer to contain the opened files my $textbuffer = Gtk2::TextBuffer->new(); create_tags($textbuffer); $textbuffer->set_text(''); $textbuffer->apply_tag_by_name ('bold',$textbuffer->get_start_iter,$te +xtbuffer->get_end_iter); # Create a textview using that textbuffer my $textview = Gtk2::TextView->new_with_buffer($textbuffer); $textview->set_left_margin (5); $textview->modify_font ($fontMono); ##< my fault $textview->modify_base('normal',$yell); ##< my fault $textview->modify_text('normal',$navy); ##< my fault # Add the textview to a scrolledwindow my $scrolledwindow = Gtk2::ScrolledWindow->new( undef, undef ); $scrolledwindow->add($textview); # add that scrolledwindow to the vbox $hbox2->add($scrolledwindow); $window->show_all; #setup a control-c exit---------- my @accels = ( { key => 'C', mod => 'control-mask', func => sub{ Gtk2->main_quit +} }, ); my $accel_group = Gtk2::AccelGroup->new; use Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms; foreach my $a (@accels) { $accel_group->connect ($Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms{$a->{key}}, $a->{mod}, 'visible', $a->{func}); } $window->add_accel_group ($accel_group); ##############------------------- if( $quick_start == 0) { Glib::Timeout->add (10, sub { do_dir_search(); 0 }); } Gtk2->main; ###################################################################### +####### sub do_file_search { my $file = shift; if( ! defined $file ){return} my @lines = (); foreach my $aref( @{$files{$file}} ) { push @lines, $$aref[0]; } $textbuffer->set_text(''); open (FH,"< $file"); while(<FH>){ my $line = $.; if($linenums) { my $lineI = sprintf "%03d", $line; $textbuffer->insert_with_tags_by_name ($textbuffer->get_end_ite +r, $lineI, 'rmap'); $textbuffer->insert ($textbuffer->get_end_iter, ' '); } if( grep {/^$line$/} @lines ) { $textbuffer->insert_with_tags_by_name ($textbuffer->get_end +_iter, $_, 'rmapZ'); } else { $textbuffer->insert_with_tags_by_name ($textbuffer->get_end_ +iter, $_, 'bold'); } } close FH; #set up where to scroll to when opening file my $first; if ( $lines[0] > 0 ){ $first = $lines[0] }else{$first = 1} my $start_iter = $textbuffer->get_iter_at_line($first); my $start_mark = $textbuffer->create_mark('start', $start_iter, 1); $textview->scroll_to_mark($start_mark ,0.0, 0, 0, 0.0); #set frame label to file name $f2_label->set_text($file); $current = $file; } ################################################################ sub do_dir_search { #prevent accidental double enter's or double find button presses $seeking = 1; $cancel = 0; #clear old screens $textbuffer->delete($textbuffer->get_start_iter,$textbuffer->get_end_i +ter,); $textbuffer0->delete($textbuffer0->get_start_iter,$textbuffer0->get_en +d_iter,); #clear old results %files = (); $f1_label->set_text('Search Results'); $f2_label->set_text('File'); # defaults are case-insensitive, no recurse, open and search files (no +t filename) my $path = '.'; $search_str = $entry->get_text(); if( ! length $search_str){$seeking = 0; $cancel = 0; return} my $regex; #defaults to case insensitive #if ($case){$regex = qr/\Q$search_str\E/} # else{$regex = qr/\Q$search_str\E/i} ##< before if ($case) ##<-------+ { # if ($use_regex) # { # $regex = qr/$search_str/; # } # else # { # $regex = qr/\Q$search_str\E/ # } # patch } # (regex) else # { # if ($use_regex) # { # $regex = qr/$search_str/i; # } # else # { # $regex = qr/\Q$search_str\E/i; # } # } ##<-------+ # use s modifier for multiline match my $count = 0; my $count1 = 0; find (sub { if( $cancel ){ return $File::Find::prune = 1} $count1++; if( ! $recurse ){ my $n = ($File::Find::name) =~ tr!/!!; #count slashes in file return $File::Find::prune = 1 if ($n > 1); } return if -d; return unless (-f and -T ); if($name){ if ($_ =~ /$regex/){ push @{$files{$File::Find::name}}, [-1,'']; #push into HoA } } else { open (FH,"< $_"); while(<FH>) { if ($_ =~ /$regex/) { chomp $_; push @{$files{$File::Find::name}}, [$., $_]; #push +into HoA } } close FH; } #------ my $key = $File::Find::name; if( defined $files{$key} ) { $count++; my $aref = $files{$key}; my @larray = @$aref; insert_link ($textbuffer0, $key ); foreach my $aref(@larray) { if( $$aref[0] > 0 ) { #don't do for name searches, which are -1 #add line number with color my $lineI = sprintf"%03d", $$aref[0]; $textbuffer0->insert_with_tags_by_name( $textbuffer0->get_end_iter,"\n$lineI",'rmap'); #add matching line $textbuffer0->insert_with_tags_by_name( $textbuffer0->get_end_iter,"$$aref[1]",'bold'); } } $textbuffer0->insert($textbuffer0->get_end_iter,"\n"); } $f1_label->set_text("$count1 checked -- $count matches .. Space +Bar cancels"); Gtk2->main_iteration while Gtk2->events_pending; #----- }, $path); $f1_label->set_text("$count matches DONE"); $seeking = 0; $cancel = 0; Gtk2->main_iteration while Gtk2->events_pending; } ###################################################################### +######## sub insert_link { my ($buffer, $file ) = @_; #create tag here independently, so we can piggyback unique data my $tag = $buffer->create_tag (undef, foreground => "blue", underline => 'single', size => 20 * PANGO_SCALE ); # piggyback data onto each tag $tag->{file} = $file; $buffer->insert_with_tags ($textbuffer0->get_end_iter, $file, $tag); + } ###################################################################### +##### # Looks at all tags covering the position of iter in the text view, # and if one of them is a link, follow it by showing the page identifi +ed # by the data attached to it. # sub follow_if_link { my ($text_view, $iter) = @_; my $tag = $iter->get_tags; my $file = $tag->{file}; if($file) { do_file_search($file); } } ###################################################################### +#3 # Links can also be activated by clicking. # sub event_after { my ($text_view, $event) = @_; return FALSE unless $event->type eq 'button-release'; return FALSE unless $event->button == 1; my $buffer = $text_view->get_buffer; # we shouldn't follow a link if the user has selected something my ($start, $end) = $buffer->get_selection_bounds; return FALSE if defined $end and $start->get_offset != $end->get_offset; my ($x, $y) = $text_view->window_to_buffer_coords ('widget', #GTK_TE +XT_WINDOW_WIDGET, $event->x, $event +->y); my $iter = $text_view->get_iter_at_location ($x, $y); follow_if_link ($text_view, $iter); return FALSE; } ##################################################################### # Looks at all tags covering the position (x, y) in the text view, # and if one of them is a link, change the cursor to the "hands" curso +r # typically used by web browsers. # sub set_cursor_if_appropriate { my ($text_view, $x, $y) = @_; my $hovering = FALSE; my $buffer = $text_view->get_buffer; my $iter = $text_view->get_iter_at_location ($x, $y); foreach my $tag ($iter->get_tags) { if ($tag->{file}) { $hovering = TRUE; last; } } if ($hovering != $hovering_over_link) { $hovering_over_link = $hovering; $text_view->get_window ('text')->set_cursor ($hovering_over_link ? $hand_cursor : $regular_cursor); } } ###################################################################### +# # Update the cursor image if the pointer moved. # sub motion_notify_event { my ($text_view, $event) = @_; my ($x, $y) = $text_view->window_to_buffer_coords ( 'widget', #GTK_TEXT_WINDOW_WI +DGET, $event->x, $event->y); set_cursor_if_appropriate ($text_view, $x, $y); $text_view->window->get_pointer; return FALSE; } ###################################################################### +### sub check_button_callback { my ($button,$ident,$name) = @_; if ($button->get_active) { # if control reaches here, the check button is down $$ident = 1; } else { # if control reaches here, the check button is up $$ident = 0; } #reload current file with(or without) linenums #useful when copying for pasting to other apps if( $name eq 'linenums' ){ do_file_search($current) } } ###################################################################### +############ sub create_tags { my $buffer = shift; $buffer->create_tag( "italic", style => 'italic' ); $buffer->create_tag( "bold", weight => PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD ); $buffer->create_tag( "big", size => 20 * PANGO_SCALE ); # points times the PANGO_SCALE factor $buffer->create_tag( "x-large", scale => PANGO_SCALE_X_LARGE ); my $gray25_bits = pack 'CC', 0x02, 0x01, 0x01; my $stipple = Gtk2::Gdk::Bitmap->create_from_data( undef, $gray25_b +its, 3, 3); $buffer->create_tag( "background_stipple", background_stipple => $s +tipple ); $buffer->create_tag('rmap', background => 'red', background_stipple => $stipple , weight => PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD, ); $buffer->create_tag('rmapX', background => 'red', background_stipple => $stipple , scale => PANGO_SCALE_X_LARGE, ); $buffer->create_tag('rmapZ', foreground => 'red', weight => PANGO_WEIGHT_BOLD, size => 15 * PANGO_SCALE ); $buffer->create_tag('blue', background => 'blue', ); } ###################################################################### + sub key_handler { my ($widget, $event) = @_; # match the keyval --- in general you don't want to use magic # numbers here, use values from %Gtk2::Gdk::Keysyms instead. if (($seeking) && ($event->keyval == 32)) { #detect spacebar hit to cancel search $cancel = 1; $seeking = 0; return TRUE; # tell the system we handled this } if ($event->keyval == 65293) { #detect Enter press do_dir_search() unless $seeking; return TRUE; # tell the system we handled this } return FALSE; # tell the system we did not handle this } ###################################################################### + sub print_usage { $textbuffer->delete($textbuffer->get_start_iter,$textbuffer->get_end +_iter,); $textbuffer->set_text($help); } ###################################################################### + __DATA__ ___________ | U S A G E | perl $0 (options) 'search string' dir/ |___________|================================================== / Takes a quoted string on the command line to search for \ | You can give options: n r R c , separately on the commandline...| | | | -- n ->search fileNames only | | -- r ->recurse into sub directories | | -- R ->search using Regular expressions | | -- c ->case sensitive | | | | Will open with no options or search string, in empty mode. | | Dir is optional and the place to search. | | Found files, will be displayed as blue underlined hyperlinks. | | Under each link, will be the line numbers and matched lines. | | Clicking blue links will open the file, and all matched lines | | will be displayed in red text. | | | | [ Control-c ] from anywhere will kill the program. | | [ SpaceBar ] cancels a long search | | | | * Multi-word search strings on the command line should be | | single quoted. | | * Search strings entered in the entry box, do not need quotes | | and will be submitted by an enter keypress,or the find button| | | | * The line numbering can be turned off for copying and pasting | | from the opened files. | | * A right click in the lower textbox,will open the textbox menu| | for Copying to the Clipboard for pasting with the paste | | options from other apps (Control-v). Otherwise, the selected | | text is only in the mouse clipboard buffer. | \_________________________________________________________________/ [ | ZENTARA]< +>
    Zentara rules drools ;)!

      Zentara rules!

      No. Zentara drools. :-) Nice color improvements.

      I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth. Cogito ergo sum a bum
        Hello people, This is a nice code, but can anyone help me in the following: I am using perl-gtk2 and glade3 for my development, I want to search the specified lines from a text file and than I have to do is to send the found text as an entry in the combo box. So, anyone can help me! Thanks in advance
Re: Gtk2 Visual Grep
by zentara (Archbishop) on Jun 27, 2012 at 20:46 UTC
    I updated this code to search for strings and filenames with unicode characters in them, see the original node Gtk2 Visual Grep for the changes. It seems to work with extended characters in filenames, and searching files for strings with extended characters. Such as vgrep 'the œ character' and vgrep n zzœzz

    Any comments for improving the unicode handling is welcome. :-) Especially in the File::Find sub, where I decode each filename. It seems it should be easier than that, but I guess it does catch everything.

    I'm not really a human, but I play one on earth.
    Old Perl Programmer Haiku ................... flash japh