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Gavin's scratchpad

by Gavin (Archbishop)
on Mar 18, 2006 at 00:20 UTC ( [id://537619]=scratchpad: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??


What shortcuts can I use for linking to other information?

What shortcuts can I use for linking to other information?

Perl Monks Approved HTML tags

PerlMonks Approved Chatter HTML Tags

Writeup Formatting Tips

Need examples for PerlMonks HTML Tags

If you write anything in this and it covers more than one line it will usestrict usewarnings
Tag and Display
Screen Output
<b>text to embolden</b> This text is bold
<i>text to italicise</i> This text is in italics
<p>paragraph break used on PM without the closing tag

The <Paragraph tag> will put a break in the text and place the subsequent text

on a new line

<blockquote>these tags will indent the text and align center</blockquote>
this should now be indented and aligned center
The use of code tags will prevent extraneous symbols < > [ ] from preventing the correct display of your code and make for easier reading. Surround code with <code> "code" </code>
use strict; use warnings; print "today is day @{ [ ( localtime )[3] ] }.";
For an unordered list use

<ul> <li>First item in list</li>
<li>Second item in list</li>
<li>Third item in list</li> </ul >

This will display as
  • First item in list
  • Second item in list
  • Third item in list
For an ordered list use

<ol> <li>First item in list</li>
<li>Second item in list</li>
<li>Third item in list</li> </ol>

This will display as
  1. First item in list
  2. Second item in list
  3. Third item in list

HTML Sigil/Symbol Common Names
&#34; " quotation mark
&#35; # hash, number sign
&#36; $ Dollar, dollar sign
&#37; % percent
&#38; & ampersand, and
&#39; ' apostrophe
&#40; ( opening left bracket, left parenthesis
&#41; ) closing right bracket, right parenthesis
&#43; + plus
&#44; , comma
&#45; - hyphen minus
&#46; . full stop, period
&#47; solidus
&#48; to &#57; 0-9 Numbers, Digits
&#58; : colon
&#59; ; semi colon
&#60; < less than
&#61; = equals
&#62; > greater than
&#63; ? question mark
&#64; @ at
&#65; to &#90;
A-Z Uppercase letters
&#91; [ left square bracket, opening square bracket
&#92; \ reverse solidus, slash, backslash
&#93; ] right square bracket, closing square bracket
&#94; ^ circumflex accent, caret, spacing circumflex
&#95; _ low line, underscore
&#96; ` grave accent, spacing grave
&#97; to &#122; a-z Lowercase letters
&#123; { left curly bracket, left opening bracket
&#124; | pipe, vertical
&#125; } right curly bracket, right opening bracket
&#126; ~ tilde
&#134; dagger
&#135; double dagger
&#153; trademark
&#161; ¡ inverted exclamation mark
&#162; ¢ cent
&#166; ¦ broken bar, broken vertical bar
&#167; § section
&#168; ¨ umlaut, trema, diaeresis
&#169; © copyright sign
&#171; « left pointing double angle quotation, left guillemet, angle quotes
&#172; ¬ not sign
&#173 - soft hyphen
&#174; ® registered sign, trademark
&#175; ¯ macron, bar, spacing macron
&#176; ° degree
&#177; ± plus or minus
&#180; ´ acute
&#182; pilcrow, paragraph, non printing characters
&#183; · interpunct middle dot
&#184; ¸ cedilla
&#187; » right pointing double angle quotation, right guillemet, angle quotes
&#191; ¿ inverted question mark
&#215; × multiplication sign, times
&#247; ÷ division sign
&#729; ˙ title as in the dot over the small letter i
&#732; ~ tilde, swung dash
&#913; Α Greek Alpha uppercase
&#914; Β Greek Beta uppercase
&#915; Γ Greek Gamma uppercase
&#916; Δ Greek Delta uppercase
&#917; Ε Greek Epsilon uppercase
&#918; Ζ Greek Zeta uppercase
&#919; Η Greek Eta uppercase
&#920; Θ Greek Theta uppercase
&#921; Ι Greek Iota uppercase
&#922; Κ Greek Kappa uppercase
&#923; Λ Greek Lamda uppercase
&#924; Μ Greek Mu uppercase
&#925; Ν Greek Nu uppercase
&#926; Ξ Greek Xi uppercase
&#927; Ο Greek Omicron uppercase
&#928; Π Greek Pi uppercase
&#929; Ρ Greek Rho uppercase
&#931; Σ Greek Sigma uppercase Autosum excel
&#932; Τ Greek Tau uppercase
&#933; Υ Greek Upsilon uppercase
&#934; Φ Greek Phi uppercase
&#935; Χ Greek Chi uppercase
&#936; Ψ Greek Psi uppercase
&#937; Ω Greek Omega uppercase
&#945; α lowercase Greek alpha
&#946; β lowercase Greek beta
&#947; γ lowercase Greek gamma
&#948; δ lowercase Greek delta
&#949; ε lowercase Greek epsilon
&#950; ζ lowercase Greek zeta
&#951; η lowercase Greek eta
&#952; θ lowercase Greek theta
&#953; ι lowercase Greek iota
&#954; κ lowercase Greek kappa
&#955; λ lowercase Greek lamda
&#956; μ lowercase Greek mu
&#957; ν lowercase Greek nu
&#958; ξ lowercase Greek xi
&#959; ο lowercase Greek omicron
&#960; π lowercase Greek pi
&#961; ρ lowercase Greek rho
&#962; ς lowercase Greek final sigma
&#963; σ lowercase Greek sigma
&#964; τ lowercase Greek tau
&#965; υ lowercase Greek upsilon
&#966; φ lowercase Greek phi
&#967; χ lowercase Greek chi
&#968; φ lowercase Greek psi
&#969; ω lowercase Greek omega
&#1567; ؟ irony
&#8211; - hyphen, dash
&#8216; single left quotes, single left inverted comma
&#8217; single right quotes, single right inverted comma
&#8220; left double quotes, left double inverted comma
&#8221; right double quotes, right double inverted comma
&#8224; dagger
&#8225; double dagger
&#8226; bullet
&#8227; triangular bullet
&#8230; ellipses, three full stops, three periods
&#8242; prime
&#8253; interrobang
&#8260; / forward slash, slash
&#8710; increment
&#8734; infinity
&#8776; almost equal to
&#8800; not equal to
&#9674; lozenge


It's amazing, you will understand the above word by the end of the conversation...

Read aloud for best results. "Tendjewberrymud" Be warned, you're going to find yourself talking "funny" for a while after reading this.
The following is a telephone exchange between a hotel guest and room-service at a hotel in Asia, which was recorded and published in the FarEast Economic Review...
Room Service (RS): "Morny. Ruin sorbees"
Guest (G): "Sorry, I thought I dialled room-service"
RS: "Rye..Ruin sorbees..morny! Djewish to odor sunteen??"
G: "Uh..yes..I'd like some bacon and eggs"
RS: "Ow July den?"
G: "What??"
RS: "Ow July den?...pry, boy, pooch?
G : "Oh, the eggs! How do I like them? Sorry, scrambled please."
RS: "Ow July dee bayhcem...crease?"
G: "Crisp will be fine."
RS : "Hokay. An San tos?"
G: "What?"
RS: "San tos. July San tos?"
G: "I don't think so"
RS: "No? Judo one toes??"
G: "I feel really bad about this, but I don't know what 'judo one toes' means."
RS: "Toes! toes!...why djew Don Juan toes? Ow bow singlish mopping we bother?"
G: "English muffin!! I've got it! You were saying 'Toast.' Fine.
Yes,an English muffin will be fine."
RS: "We bother?"
G: "No..just put the bother on the side."
RS: "Wad?"
G: "I mean butter...just put it on the side."
RS: "Copy?"
G: "Sorry?"
RS: "Copy...tea...mill?"
G: "Yes. Coffee please, and that's all."
RS: "One Minnie. Ass ruin torino fee, strangle ache, crease baychem,tossy singlish mopping we bother honey sigh, and copy....rye??"
G: "Whatever you say"
RS: "Tendjewberrymud"
G : "You're welcome."

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