.head 6 + Pushbutton: pbDoIt .head 7 - Class Child Ref Key: 5 .head 7 - Class ChildKey: 17 .head 7 - Class: ADV_frmM_DynSql .head 7 - Property Template: .head 7 - Class DLL Name: .head 7 - Title: Prev .head 7 - Window Location and Size .head 8 - Left: 0.833" .head 8 - Top: 0.06" .head 8 - Width: 0.7" .head 8 - Width Editable? Class Default .head 8 - Height: 0.536" .head 8 - Height Editable? Class Default .head 7 - Visible? Class Default … .head 5 + On SAM_Click .head 6 + If SalMessageBox( 'Register ' || sName || ' to ' || sJobNum || ' - ' || SalNumberToStrX( nSession, 0 ) || '?', 'Notice', MB_WarningYesNo ) = IDYES .head 7 - Set nDefault = SalListQuerySelection ( lbDefaults ) .head 7 + If nDefault = LB_Err .head 8 - Call SalMessageBox( 'Select a default first.', 'Notice', MB_WarningOk ) .head 8 - Return FALSE