in reply to Re: (Embed perl into your clipboard)
in thread (Embed perl into your clipboard)

All right:

-- def_macro eval_inplace my $count = 0; $main::c->Set("In place evaluation started. If you wish to disable, pl +ease copy -- end"); while ($main::c->WaitForChange) { $count++ % 2 or next; my $t = $main::c->GetText or next; last if $t =~ /^-- END/i; my $to = TempOut->new(); eval { eval "\$\\=\$/;$t;1" or die $@;1 } or $main::c->Set("Error +executing perl: $@ ($t)") and next; $main::c->Set($to->as_string); $to->release; } print "Exited successfully, clipcommand returned to normal";

This is definitely a hack and shows why I need to clean up some things. However, if you run the script, copy that macro and copy -- eval_inplace, the macro will see everything you copy as perl code to execute and will dutifully populate the clipboard with its output (or the error it generated). To stop it, copy -- end. Also, you can't promote this macro and expect it to work (like I said, hack =)).

Update: I forgot this part. I have the *nix style shebang line out of habit. I personally use it with ActiveState build 822.