tsee has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi all,

I'm a user of the DBM::Deep module. That used to have only pure-Perl dependencies outside of the Perl core, but recently, a dependency on an XS module to test whether a given filehandle is writable. This is a problem for me since I'm actually using DBM::Deep in a bootstrapping environment which is used for installing binaries of XS modules which the host can't compile (think PAR).

Now, if you look at this RT ticket for DBM::Deep, that suggests that this dependency could potentially be removed.

The pure-Perl alternative suggested in that ticket should work for *nix, but will probably leave win32 unsolved. I can't test the syswrite writability test for lack of a Windows.

Now, my question is: Can one of those who develop on Windows test that syswrite-based solution? If it works, does it still work without actually writing data to the filehandle? Does anybody have an idea how to fix this entirely?

Thanks in advance for any ideas and help.

Best regards,

P.S.: Before somebody suggests that I have to bring it up to the DBM::Deep author(s) instead of posting here: I did. They're sympathetic with my cause, but can't help for lack of time. See the DBM::Deep Googlegroups group.