in reply to Parsing/regex question

What do you want the script to do when it encounters a "has rolled into" line? eg: skip the line and the following line or two?

You could set a variable used to keep state when a line matches and at the top of the loop skip lines if the variable is set. Here is some sample completely un-tested code:
my $lines_to_skip = 0; LINE: while (<MSOUT>) { if (0 < $lines_to_skip) { $lines_to_skip --; next LINE; } ... if ($line =~ /^(Position|Spot|Mark) has rolled into$/)) { $lines_to_skip = 1; next LINE; } }

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Re^2: Parsing/regex question
by vxp (Pilgrim) on Jul 06, 2009 at 18:43 UTC

    When the script encounters a "Position has rolled into" line it should skip everything up to the datestamp, and place that datestamp into a $position_rolled_into var

    Same goes for the "spot/mark has rolled into" :)

      should skip everything up to the datestamp

      oops, missed the "---" line. Adding one line of code addresses that:

      my $position_rolled = 0; while (<$fh>) { chomp; if ($position_rolled) { next if !/^... .\d 20\d\d/; $position_rolled = 0; $position_rolled_into = $_; } elsif ($_ eq 'Position has rolled into') { $position_rolled = 1; } ... }
      Then in the while loop you can do something like this:
      ... if (0 < $lines_to_skip) { if ($line =~ /datestamp-regex/) { next LINE; } # we are at the next date stamp line so fall through, etc. } ...
      Also rename $lines_to_skip to something suitable.