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Re: Zipping Files Help!

by duyet (Friar)
on Aug 31, 2011 at 03:48 UTC ( [id://923344]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Zipping Files Help!

Your code doesn't run!

IO error: opening for read : No such file or directory ...

After created a, it still doesn't run.

format error: file is too short

One otherthing, you don't want to open and close the log.txt within a loop!!!Move the open() and close() outside of the foreach

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Re^2: Zipping Files Help!
by Anonymous Monk on Aug 31, 2011 at 04:08 UTC
    This will run, just create the two directories and let me know what you think, thanks for looking!
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w # use strict; use CGI qw(:standard); use File::Basename; use File::stat; use File::Slurp qw(read_dir); use Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS ); #print header(); # zip stuff::: my $zip = Archive::Zip->new(); # new instance #Archive::Zip::setChunkSize( 2000 ); #my $chunkSize = Archive::Zip::chunkSize(); my ($file_path, $file_name, $zipped, $flag,$k_size); $flag = ''; # vars my @files; # get the pdf files from here::: my @directories = qw( /var/www/test_1 /var/www/test_2); # set sizes::: my $min_size = 1024; # bytes => 1K my $max_size = 10485760; # bytes =>10MB # go in the directories::: my $c; for my $d (@directories) { $c++; push @files, grep { -f && -s _ >= $min_size && -s _ <= $max_size } + read_dir( $d, prefix => 1 ); } #get file sizes just in case::: # open (INDEXFILE, '>>log.txt'); foreach my $files(@files) { #my $size = (stat($files))[7] / 1024; # size in kilobytes my $size = stat($files)->size; $k_size = sprintf ("%03d", $size); #print "\n$files = $size - $k_size\n"; # do some clean up::: $files=~s/[\r\n]+//; if($files =~/(.*?)\/([^\/]+)$/) { $file_path=$1; $file_name=$2; } # creating log file::: open (INDEXFILE, '>>log.txt'); print INDEXFILE "$file_name - $k_size\n"; close (INDEXFILE); $zipped = $zip->addFile('log.txt')unless $zip->memberNamed('log.txt' +); foreach my $each_file (glob("$file_path/$file_name")) { $zipped = $zip->addFile($each_file,$file_name); } die $flag="Failed" unless $zip->writeToFileNamed( '' ) == A +Z_OK; } #close (INDEXFILE); # show status::: if($flag eq "Failed") { print "\n\nError in archive creation!\n\n"; } else { print "\n\nArchive created successfully!\n\n"; }
Re^2: Zipping Files Help!
by Anonymous Monk on Aug 31, 2011 at 17:47 UTC
    I tried removing the open() and close() outside of the foreach loop, but cause of the zip gets done before the text file the log.txt file inside of the zip file is empty, any suggestions? Thanks!
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w # use strict; use CGI qw(:standard); use File::Basename; use File::stat; use File::Slurp qw(read_dir); use Archive::Zip qw( :ERROR_CODES :CONSTANTS ); # zip stuff::: my $zip = Archive::Zip->new(); # new instance #Archive::Zip::setChunkSize( 2000 ); #my $chunkSize = Archive::Zip::chunkSize(); my ($file_path, $file_name, $zipped, $flag,$k_size); $flag = ''; # vars my @files; # get the files from here::: my @directories = qw( /var/www/test_1 /var/www/test_2); # set sizes::: my $min_size = 1024; # bytes => 1K my $max_size = 10485760; # bytes =>10MB # go in the directories::: my $c; for my $d (@directories) { $c++; push @files, grep { -f && -s _ >= $min_size && -s _ <= $max_size } + read_dir( $d, prefix => 1 ); } #get file sizes just in case::: open (INDEXFILE, '>>log.txt'); foreach my $files(@files) { my $size = stat($files)->size / 1024; # size in kilobytes $k_size = sprintf ("%03d", $size); # do some clean up::: $files=~s/[\r\n]+//; if($files =~/(.*?)\/([^\/]+)$/) { $file_path=$1; $file_name=$2; } # creating log file::: print INDEXFILE "$file_name - $k_size Kb\n"; $zipped = $zip->addFile('log.txt') unless $zip->memberNamed('log.txt +'); $zipped = $zip->addFile($files,$file_name); } die $flag="Failed" unless $zip->writeToFileNamed( '' ) == AZ_ +OK; close (INDEXFILE); # show status::: if($flag eq "Failed") { print "\n\nError in archive creation!\n\n"; } else { print "\n\nArchive created successfully!\n\n"; }

      This version is trying to add a copy of 'log.txt' to the zip file each time the foreach loop iterates unless the file is already there. That means it adds it the first time and never again.

      It seems like you would want to just print to log.txt inside the foreach loop. Then after the foreach loop, close 'log.txt' and then call $zip->addFile('log.txt') then call writeToFileNamed.

      What is the purpose of the variable $zipped? You don't use it anywhere.

      # do some clean up::: $files=~s/[\r\n]+//;

      Is this intended to remove newlines? Why not use chomp?

      What does the output from this program look like? Is it creating at all? Does it contain files?

      I suggest you get rid of the 'show status' section at the end. If the program dies that won't run. And there is no use having the variable $flag.

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