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Re: SQL::Abstract 'between' clause (about done)

by Anonymous Monk
on Nov 22, 2011 at 09:50 UTC ( [id://939409]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to SQL::Abstract 'between' clause (about done)

This results in the error:

The code you posted does not result in that error

I don't understand what this means or what I need to do to fix it

If you're going to be using strict (and you should), you should read perldoc strict and Why you should use strict, 101 reasons to use strict;...

In short

$ perl -Mdiagnostics -Mstrict -e " my $f = 'asdf'; $$f{3}++; Can't use string ("asdf") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at +-e line 1 (#1) (F) Only hard references are allowed by "strict refs". Symbolic references are disallowed. See perlref. Uncaught exception from user code: Can't use string ("asdf") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in + use at -e line 1. at -e line 1

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Re^2: SQL::Abstract 'between' clause (about done)
by Anonymous Monk on Nov 22, 2011 at 10:26 UTC
    The code I had was an extract from the entire script
    #!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; use DBI; use Data::Dumper; use SQL::Abstract; my %where = (); sub process(){ my $processed = $_[0]; return sub { if ( @_ ){ my ($colname,$colval) = @_; $colval =~ s/^&//; # strip leading & - this only occurs in + the 'additional field' print "Colname: $colname\n"; print "Colvalue: $colval\n"; unless($colval =~ m/[&|*]/){ print "normal value: $colval \n"; $where{$colname}=$colval; } # detect ors if ( index($colval,'|') >= 0 ){ print "$colval contains pipe character for ORs\n"; #$where{'-or'}{ {$colname=$colval} } # detect wildcards if ( index($colval,'*') >= 0 ){ # convert * Wildcard to Oracle wildcard $colval =~ s/\*/%/g; $where{$colname}{'-like'} = $colval; } # detect date range if( index($colval, ':') > 0 ){ print "found date: key: $colname - value: $colval\n"; my ( $from, $to ) = split(':', $colval); print "from: $from\n"; print "to: $to\n"; $where{$colname}{'-between'} = [$from,$to]; } } } } my $cnt=0; my $sql = SQL::Abstract->new; my $table_name = "TABNAME"; my $facility = "FAC1"; my $col_type = "BEG"; my $col_stype = "FOO|BAR"; my $rec_number = "BAZ/*"; my $additional = "&Key1=VAL1&Key2=VAL2&DATE1=20111111:20111112"; process->("col_type",$col_type) if defined($col_type); process->("col_stype",$col_stype) if defined($col_stype); process->("rec_number",$rec_number) if defined($rec_number); # process additional: $additional =~ s/^&//; if ( index($additional,'&') >= 0 ){ print "$additional contains & character - so it's the additional f +ield with multiple key value pairs\n"; my @additional = split('&',$additional); foreach my $addval (@additional){ print "additional has pair: $addval\n"; my @addpair = split('=',$addval); print "$addpair[0] | $addpair[1]\n"; process->($addpair[0], $addpair[1]); } }else{ print "Single value in additional:\n"; my @addpair = split('=',$additional); print "$addpair[0] | $addpair[1]\n"; process->($addpair[0], $addpair[1]); } my($stmt, @bind) = $sql->select($table_name, 'count(rowid)', \%where); print Dumper $stmt; print "\n"; print Dumper @bind; print "\n";
    The output is (I sware)
    Colname: col_type Colvalue: BEG normal value: BEG Colname: col_stype Colvalue: FOO|BAR FOO|BAR contains pipe character for ORs Colname: rec_number Colvalue: BAZ/* Key1=VAL1&Key2=VAL2&DATE1=20111111:20111112 contains & character - so +it's the additional field with multiple key value pairs additional has pair: Key1=VAL1 Key1 | VAL1 Colname: Key1 Colvalue: VAL1 normal value: VAL1 additional has pair: Key2=VAL2 Key2 | VAL2 Colname: Key2 Colvalue: VAL2 normal value: VAL2 additional has pair: DATE1=20111111:20111112 DATE1 | 20111111:20111112 Colname: DATE1 Colvalue: 20111111:20111112 normal value: 20111111:20111112 found date: key: DATE1 - value: 20111111:20111112 from: 20111111 to: 20111112 Can't use string ("20111111:20111112") as a HASH ref while "strict ref +s" in use at ./ line 51.

      The problem in a nutshell

      $ cat junk use strict; use warnings; use diagnostics; my %where = (); $where{something} = 4; $where{something}{else} = 5; __END__ $ perl junk Can't use string ("4") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at jun +k line 5 (#1) (F) Only hard references are allowed by "strict refs". Symbolic references are disallowed. See perlref. Uncaught exception from user code: Can't use string ("4") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in us +e at junk line 5. at junk line 5

      Either $where{something} is a hashref or it isn't, it can't be both, so pick one

      You can pick

      #~ $where{$colname}=$colval; $where{$colname}{colval} =$colval;

      There are other problem, but I'll leave that to others

        From the POD I see
        my %where = ( user => 'nwiger', completion_date => { -not_between => ['2002-10-01', '2003-02-06'] } );
        I don't see where I can use this functionality with the two choices you mentioned to pick from. Thanks for the advice by the way. If I can get this part working I am keen to know what other problems you have found

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