linxdev has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

I know this horse has been beaten and there is plenty of info out there.

I'm curious if anyone is using obfuscation via Acme::Eyedrops for production code. I've been doing it for a long while now and I'm looking for liabilities in doing so. I do have some complicated code, but have not had anything blow up. I'm using TrapEvalDie and I created a shape that is nothing more than 60 '#' in one line. In my build process I've created a dependency of .pl to .eye. I'vw written a utility that converts the .pl to .eye vua eyedrops. It creaets a new file with the shebang, copy wright info, date/time converted, and contact info. Below that is the conversion. The covnersion can make the code 10x greater in size. The code runs on an embedded device and loads from a lzma squashfs ram disk. So far the only liability I've found is longer load time.

I'm not too concerened about the users attempting a reverse enginner. I'm practicing sercurtry thru obsecurity. The conversion process also allows me to run a syntax check on the code at build time and prevents me from sending wrong code to the device.

So, I'm want to know issues of Acme::Eyedrops in production and waht liabilities I need to be aware that when converted could cause me issue.

Thanks, Chris