#! perl -slw use strict; ## An array with some contents my @array = 'a'..'z'; ## Tell strict we are going to use a global our @alias; ## Set the array reference of the typeglob *alias ## to point to the lexical array we set up earlier *alias = \@array; ## Now when we use @alias, we are (also) using @array print $alias[ 0 ], ' : ', $alias[ 25 ]; ## changes to either affect both ## Or rather change via either name ## affect the same storage $alias[ 0 ] = 'fred'; $array[ 25 ] = 'bill'; print $alias[ 0 ], ' : ', $alias[ 25 ]; print $array[ 0 ], ' : ', $array[ 25 ]; __END__ C:\test>junk a : z fred : bill fred : bill