in reply to trying to implement hash table. and getting lots of difficulties. plz help me out..........

Your structure and logic is much more complicated than necessary, but I have preserved it, and made a few corrections. Try this one:
use strict; use warnings; use Data::Dumper; my %ex = ( 37 => "p" , 41 => "t", 23 => "s" , 52 => "m", 44 => "a" , 65 => "q", 26 => "d" , 88 => "o" , 99 => "g" , 100 => "l" , 101 => "f" , 201 => "i" ); my @buckets = ( [],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[] ); sub perlhash { my $k = shift @_; my $hash = 0; $hash = ($k % 10); return $hash; } while(my ($k , $v) = each(%ex)) { my $hash = perlhash($k); my $ch = $buckets[$hash]; my $entry; # print Dumper $buckets[$hash]; if(scalar @{$ch} == 0){ $entry = {$k => $v}; }else{ $entry = $ch->[0]; $entry->{$k} = $v ; next; } push @$ch , $entry; } print Dumper \@buckets; print "enter a key u want to search"; chomp(my $k = <STDIN>); my $h = perlhash($k); print "The Key in Slot $h is " . join (",",keys (%{$buckets[$h][0]}) +) . "\n" ;

             I hope life isn't a big joke, because I don't get it.