use strict; use Data::Dumper; my @line1 = ('_W9C2JJDCB','

This is the problem1.


This is res1

'); my @line2 = ('_W9C2JJDCB','

This is the problem2.


This is res2

'); my @line3 = ('_W9C2JJDCB','

This is the problem3.


This is res3

'); my @line4 = ('_W8CXXXXAB','

hi there


why are you capitalizing paragraph tags?

'); my @totlines; #push (@totlines,\@line1); #push (@totlines,\@line2); #push (@totlines,\@line3); push @totlines, \@line1, \@line2,\@line3,\@line4; my @dir1 =('_W9C2JJDCB', '201200240', 'TEST: IGNORE', 'John Doe', 'Closed', 'HIP', '', '', ); my @dir2 = ( '_W8CXXXXAB', '2012192222', 'WHAT: HELL', 'Captain Jack', 'Wide Open', 'UNCOOL', '', ''); my %hash = ( '_W9C2JJDCB' => \@dir1); $hash{'_W8CXXXXAB'} = \@dir2; for my $key (keys %hash){ foreach my $u (@totlines) { if($key eq $u->[0]) { #print qq|$key is equal to $u->[0]\n|; push @{$hash{$key}},@$u; } } } print Dumper \%hash;