Category: Web Stuff
Author/Contact Info dws
Description: A short CGI script for generating a single pixel GIF of a desired color. Useful, for example, when generating HTML that embeds color-coded, image-based bar charts. Ordinarily, using color in this way requires existing GIFs for all colors used. This script removes the need to make all of those GIFs by hand, allowing one to experiment freely.

# pixel.cgi -- Generate a single-pixel GIF of a given color.
# Usage:
#  <img src="pixel.cgi/CC9966.gif" width=25 height=25>
# Dave W. Smith <>

my($rgb) = $ENV{PATH_INFO} =~ m|/([0-9A-Za-z]{6})(?:\.gif)?$|i;
$rgb ||= '888888';

my $gif = pack("H*",
               '47494638396101000100B30000' . $rgb .

print "Content-type: image/gif\r\n";
print "Content-length: ", length($gif), "\r\n";
print "\r\n";
print $gif;
Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: On-demand single-pixel GIFs
by giulienk (Curate) on Feb 18, 2002 at 09:59 UTC
    I worked out a slighlty modified version of the great and really useful code above. I added support for 3 hex colors and changed default behavior to exit if no $rgb is matched.
    use strict; my($rgb) = $ENV{PATH_INFO} =~ m|/([0-9A-F]+)(?:\.gif)?$|i; grep {length $rgb == $_} (3, 6) || exit; $rgb = join '', map { $_ x 2 } $rgb =~ /./g if length( $rgb ) == 3; my $gif = pack("H*", '47494638396101000100B30000' . $rgb . 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' . 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF' . 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF2C0000' . '0000010001000004021044003B' ); binmode(STDOUT); print "Content-type: image/gif\r\n"; print "Content-length: ", length($gif), "\r\n"; print "\r\n"; print $gif;
      Here's another take on the same idea.
      I often find myself wanting to output
      temporary color spacer gif's for html design
      and layout purposes.
      Adjust the width, height and color of
      a gif file and output without an image module (ie ImageMagick, GD).
      #!/usr/bin/perl -w # this script outputs a gif # set color, width, and height use strict; &printGIF("0000FF","33","10"); ###################################### sub printGIF{ my $color = $_[0]; my $WH = sprintf("%lX",$_[1]); my $HH = sprintf("%lX",$_[2]); $color =~ s/(..)(..)(..)/$1\|$2\|$3/; my($RH,$GH,$BH)=split(/\|/,$color); print STDOUT "Content-type:image/gif\n\n"; my @gif=( "47", "49", "46", "38", "37", "61", "$WH", "00", "$HH", "00", "A1", "01", "00", "$RH", "$GH", "$BH", "FF", "FF", "FF", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "00", "21", "F9", "04", "05", "00", "00", "01", "00", "2C", "00", "00", "00", "00", "$WH", "00", "$HH", "00", "40", "02", "$HH", "84", "8F", "A9", "CB", "ED", "0F", "A3", "9C", "B4", "DA", "8B", "B3", "DE", "9C", "17", "00", "3B" ); binmode (STDOUT); # if needed foreach my $bit(@gif){ my $bita = hex($bit); $bita = pack("C",$bita); print STDOUT $bita; } }#################################### end printGIF
Re: On-demand single-pixel GIFs
by belg4mit (Prior) on May 12, 2002 at 06:29 UTC
    Wouldn't $gif be fixed length? (77 to be exact)

    perl -pew "s/\b;([mnst])/'$1/g"

Re: On-demand single-pixel GIFs
by Anonymous Monk on Aug 20, 2014 at 23:29 UTC
    Bombarded by these files in FireFox for Linux. But not always.