in reply to The sort of fiction you're most likely to find me reading:

WIn32 Security - my favorite book of fiction.
it says she can do math, but will she recognize 8 / 0?

We can only hope they've put in those safeguards.

Worst case scenario: She succeeds in dividing by zero, and suddenly little Tiphany-Amber's bedroom becomes the center of a howling vortex of nonspace, frying the neighborhood with sparkling discharges of zero-point energy.

- slashdot
  • Comment on Re: The sort of fiction you're most likely to find me reading:

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Re: Re: The sort of fiction you're most likely to find me reading:
by htoug (Deacon) on Sep 08, 2003 at 08:54 UTC

    You had me cough up my tea over the keyboard laughing there - maybe I'm in a bitter mood: phb's have just decided that we're to be a .Net-only shop rsn.

    <query hope="forlorn">Anyone have a job for a Perl hacker in the Copenhagen Area?</query>