in reply to Trouble with foreach loop.... I think

In a way, your code is doing exactly what you say you want it to: it is indeed matching every line in @netstat that matches [your] @matches list", but the way perl interprets that probably doesn't capture what you're thinking, What your code does is give you every line in the netstat output that matches *your entire @matches array*, interpreting that array as a string. The matching operator is a double-quote context (just like print "@matches"). And, as it says in perldata:
Arrays and slices are interpolated into double-quoted strings by joining the elements with the delimiter specified in the $" variable($LIST_SEPARATOR if "use English;" is specified), space by default.
In other words, the line:
my @results = grep( /@matches/, @netstat );
comes out (given the rest of your code) as equivalent to my @results = grep(/invalid headers packets dropped/, @netstat); in other words it's trying to find that whole "phrase."

I think you also mixed up your foreach loop, which loops over @netstat, when I think what you wanted was to check each element in @matches; putting all that together, I think your loop should be:

foreach my $match (@matches) { my @results = grep /$match/, @results; print @results; }


If not P, what? Q maybe?
"Sidney Morgenbesser"

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Re: Re: Trouble with foreach loop.... I think
by u235sentinel (Hermit) on Jun 01, 2004 at 16:03 UTC
    I see the confusion in my code now. I modified it and all is well. I must have read through that section in "Learning Perl 3rd Edition" a dozen times and still didn't get it :-)

    Thanks for the help!