in reply to Process Management script

Seeing as I'm waiting for my code to compile, I'm going to pull out a magic ball and see what I can make from it.

First off, how do you "store" a process? A process is either running or it is not. The concept of "storing" a process? No comprendo.

Peering into the magic ball, I wonder if you mean that you're storing a table of processes. Is your goal to connect to this service, request a function, which causes the service to launch a corresponding process in some way? This is not significantly different, then, from xinet or even a web service that redirects to many CGI scripts based on the URL. Or even, really, a remote procedure call (RPC) in general, though that doesn't necessarily involve subprocesses.

So... the best way? Well, seeing as my crystal ball is still very hazy, I'm not even sure I got that much right, I'm not feeling confident enough to pick a best for that. Nor am I sure what "best" would be - to me it would depend on the design of the rest of the system, I guess.