in reply to Anyone using gsutil?

Capture::Tiny ought to work
my ($stdout, $stderr, $exit) = capture { system( $cmd, @args ); };

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Re^2: Anyone using gsutil?
by johnfl68 (Scribe) on Mar 10, 2013 at 07:00 UTC

    Thanks for the Capture::Tiny suggestion.

    Actually, I just found a what seems to be unpublished option for GSUTIL that works for only the cp command. There is a -q switch. Why this isn't better documented, I don't know.

    So, you can use this:

    $cmd = "gsutil cp -q -a public-read $localfile gs:// +mpdirectory/$filehash.png"; system $cmd;

    And you will not get output. I still am not sure if this will output warning dialog though, if there was a issue.

    Unfortunately it only works with the cp (copy) and not other commands like rm.
