in reply to Spurious re 'eval'; warning ?

Why does this work?: perl -e '$_ = "The brown fox jumps over the lazy dog ABC god yzal eht revo spmuj xof nworb ehT";while(/(.{10,41})(?{$cap = $^N;$rev = r($cap);})(...)(??{$rev})/ig){print("$1\n")}sub r {return(join("",reverse(split("",$_[0]))))}' But not this?: perl -e '$_ = "The brown fox jumps over the lazy dog ABC god yzal eht revo spmuj xof nworb ehT";$f=10;$e=41;while(/(.{$f,$e})(?{$cap = $^N;$rev = r($cap);})(...)(??{$rev})/ig){print("$1\n")}sub r {return(join("",reverse(split("",$_[0]))))}' Please forgive me if the answer is already here. I'm feeling pretty scatter-brained today. Thanks, Rob